The Process : How
We Produce Web Sites
At Carolina Web Solutions, we have developed an orderly procedure by
which we plan, design, and produce a web site.
1. The Initial Consultation
These meetings usually take place over the telephone, and take about
a half hour. They are free and without obligation.
An initial meeting is an exchange of information. We'll answer
any questions you have, and find out more about what kind of web site
you are planning or considering. The purpose is to provide you with enough
information to allow you to decide whether you would like to work with
our company, and to provide us with enough information to discern whether
your project is an appropriate one for our company.
2. Estimate Preparation
Next, we usually ask that you fill out our Estimate Request Form. This
form helps you to gather together a lot of the information we need in
order to write an estimate.
When we receive your Estimate Request Form information, we'll
proceed to prepare a Proposal/Estimate. Sometimes further communication
by phone, email, or in person is necessary to clarify the scope and nature
of the work to be done. When we have adequate information, we will then
write a set of specifications for your web site with a cost estimate.
3. Signing of Agreement
CWS prepares a standard contract including a detailed description of
the planned web site and a cost estimate. 1/3-1/4 of the total estimated
cost is due upon signing of the Agreement.
4. Content Gathering
Graphic content must be gathered before most work can begin on the site,
and text content before the site can actually be built. CWS will assist
you in pulling together the text, logo, graphics, and photographs needed
for the site, but it's important to be aware that a web site project
does require work on your part.
5. Final Design of Site Structure and Dynamic Applications
CWS will finalize detailed plans for the site structure (the way information
is arranged and how navigation will work) as well as for any dynamic
(database-driven) applications. Work on databases and data-driven pages
can often begin during this phase as well.
6. Page Layout Drafts
Next, page layout and visual design begins. The site's basic design
templates are designed first. CWS produces a draft based upon the content,
needs, and preferences provided, and uploads this site to a private location
on the Internet where the client can view it. The client's feedback is
solicited, and this feedback used to produce a second draft. Once more,
client feedback is used to make another round of changes, and these changes
are expected to produce a final draft.
The same process is used as we develop the individual page designs.
At specified benchmarks during the project, CWS will invoice you for
subsequent payments.
7. Database Building and Dynamic Application Coding
CWS creates any databases needed, as well as the code for all dynamic
pages. These applications are tested thoroughly.
8. Coding of Actual Pages
The approved page designs are now used as templates. Text and graphic
content is "plugged in" and adjusted for a perfect layout.
Dynamic page code is added to page templates.
9. Final Site Testing
The site is thoroughly tested. You'll have another chance to review
it for any minor changes or corrections, and CWS tests the pages on numerous
browsers, on different platforms, and at different browser window sizes
and resolution settings, correcting any remaining errors.
10. Site Launch
Payment balance is due and payable at the time when site is uploaded
to the server and is "live".
11. Ongoing Maintenance
We are pleased to handle your ongoing maintenance at our regular hourly
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