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6201 E. Oak Island Dr.
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Tony Romero
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Boiling Spring Lakes derives its name from the boiling spring that flows with an incredibly pure stream of water. The city's centerpiece, the 150-acre "Big Lake", is just one of more than 50 natural and man-made lakes in the city. The "Big Lake" (see photos) is fed by five springs and Allen's Creek, and is 2-1/2 miles long with 10 miles of shoreline.

In 1961, the developers of Boiling Spring Lakes happened upon a gushing spring concealed in a wooded ravine. Wishing to beautify the area, a 4-foot high brick wall was built to encompass this natural phenomenon. Almost before the masons had completed their work, the spring suddenly stopped running. Within a few hours, it burst out in a free full flow some 15 feet outside the wall.

When the 3-foot wall enclosing the Spring was built, the weight of the water in the enclosed area resulted in a back pressure against the Spring so it moved to an easier release point (downstream). Over time the wall broke allowing the impounded water to flow (escape). With a lower water level in this area (less back pressure), the spring returned to its former location, and it boils today.

Many years ago, the spring was known as Bouncing Log Spring, in as much as a large chunk of petrified wood was tossed and churned in the water gushing up from the ground. Eventually, there was no longer a log being bounced around by the upward thrust of groundwater, and the name was changed to the Boiling Spring. State geologists have calculated that the spring discharges approximately 43 million gallons of water each day.

The entire area seems enchanted with tall pines, oaks, and sweet gums hovering over the spring. In the early spring, damsel flies of red, green, and blue dart about the area and butterflies of all colors and descriptions flutter in the thickets. Legend has it that long ago, Indians would camp around the spring and hold their council meetings at this site on their annual trek to the Atlantic Ocean for oysters, fish, and game. They always drank from the spring, believing whomever drank from the spring would always return.

This information was obtained from the Boiling Spring Government website located at:

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