Coho are caught easily on fly or spin tackle.
Alaska Coho Salmon Fishing (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Also called Silver Salmon the Coho Salmon is found in the Alagnak River starting early August through late September with the peak being mid to late August. Coho are caught easily on fly or spin tackle and take bright pink flies with lots of flash, also small pink jigs. On A good day anglers can expect to catch 5-10 Coho a day plus 20-30 numerous other salmon and trout. The best Coho fishing is done in the lower reaches of the river and expect to run 30 to 45 minutes via jet boat to access these areas. Our guides are very knowledgeable on the river and will take you to the hot spots. 8 wt rods with a 150 grain sink tip and floating lines with weighted flies and floating woggs are your choice of weapons to do battle with these bruisers. Coho's average weigh is 8 to 12 pounds and are 24 to 30 inches long, but fish close to 20lbs have been landed.
Stan ever mindful of his equipment uses both hands to pose this beautiful Coho Salmon
Top Destinations for Coho Salmon
Alaska Adventures offers many top destinations for Coho Salmon fishing we offers day trips and fly in trips to numerous locations for world class Coho Salmon fishing. Many of the larger rivers that include the Naknek, Nushagak and Egegik river offer the spin fisherman excellent opportunities at large numbers of fish if interested in traditional tackle fishing near tide water. Alaska Adventures also offers exploratory trips to the Pacific coast and the Alaska Peninsula offering rustic overnight spike camps for the adventure seeker looking for the last great untouched runs of wild Coho Salmon these trips specialize in top water wogging as seen on our recent TV shows on OLN to Volcano bay.
Stan with a couple of Coho Salmon. Come in August to September for some of the best Alaska Salmon Fishing.
Fresh Coho's
Coho's fresh from the ocean are bright silver with small black spots on the back and on the upper lobe of the caudal fin. They can be distinguished from Chinook salmon by the lack of black spots on the lower lobe of the tail and gray gums. Spawning Coho's of both sexes have dark backs and heads with maroon to reddish sides. The males develop a prominent hooked snout with large teeth called a kype. Coho's hold in pools until they ripen, then move onto spawning grounds; spawning generally occurs at night. The female digs a nest, called a redd, and deposits 2,400 to 4,500 eggs. As the eggs are deposited, they are fertilized with sperm by the male. The coho salmon is a premier sport fish and is taken in fresh and salt water estuaries of the Alagnak river. Coho are spectacular fighters and the most acrobatic of the all the Pacific salmon, and on light tackle fly gear provide a thrilling and memorable fishing experience.
Woggs Can be Exhilarating!
Alaska coho salmon fishing is exciting and the top water dry fly action fly fishing woggs can be exhilarating, The coho salmon in Alaska are the most aggressive of all the Pacific Salmon to taking flies or spinners. Let one of our top fly fishing guides show you the real Alaska and teach you all the tricks to catch the mighty Alaska Coho Salmon. The pink and purple popsickle fly #2 and a pink maribou wiggler are two of the top Coho streamer flies we fish.