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Oregon Rafting

Rogue River Whitewater Rafting

Rogue River Rafting / Rogue River Canyon / Oregon Rafting

National Wild and Scenic River

 "It is here by declared to be the policy of the United Sates that certain selected rivers of the nation which, with their immediate environments, possess outstanding remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural or other similar values, shall be preserved in free-flowing condition, and that they and their immediate environments shall be protected for benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations."
Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
October 2, 1968

Oregon Rafting Trips

Upper Rogue River Rafting Oregon Rafting / Rogue River Rafting

Rafting Season: July Through September 

Oregon Whitewater rafting trips: the area that is noted for Upper Rogue River rafting is the runs from Shady Cove to Gold Hill. The Rogue River runs over gravel bars and bedrock for about 30 miles here with numerous access points to launch your Oregon Rafting trip or take out. Most all Upper Rogue River Rafting runs can be made in 2 to 4 hours depending on how far you decide to float. Shuttle service and Whitewater Raft Rentals are available in Shady Cove and Gold Hill. Rapids are rated class 1 to class 3, good amount of wildlife and nice scenery. Good for family Whitewater rafting fun with time left in the day for evening plans. Oregon whitewater rafting rentals and shuttles services are available here. Rogue Klamath Adventures,

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Oregon Rafting Trips

Middle Rogue River Rafting
Rafting Season: June - September Rogue River Rafting / Oregon Rafting

Rogue River Rafting in this area is one of the best locations for a family day, which are excursions completed in a day or less. Whitewater Rafting runs are from Gold Hill to Galice. Day whitewater rafting trips will run 6 to 15 miles per day. Middle Rogue River rafting trips have several deep and scenic Canyons, which funnel down the Rogue River to a fraction of its size. A Oregon rafting trip to remember can be done in a day here. Summer water temperatures will be in the mid to low 70's with air temperatures of near 90 degrees. Marvel at Hell Gate Canyon, get wet in Dunn riffle and glide past Indian Mary Camp Ground to Taylor Creek Canyon over Ennis Riffle past Galice Creek and out at the Galice Store, the Rogue River rafting apex for Oregon Rafting activities. Raft rentals and shuttle services available here.
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Oregon Rafting

Rogue River Rafting in the Canyon 

Rogue River Canyon ranks in the top 10 of Whitewater Rafting vacations in the United States. People come from the world over to vacation in Southern Oregon and go on Oregon rafting trips in the Rogue River Canyon.

The United States Congress set the Rogue River Canyon section aside in 1968 as a special national treasure. Named as one of the original Wild and Scenic Rivers the Rogue River Canyon is the jem of Oregon Rafting.  Rogue River Rafting Outfitters are highly skilled historic users with limited start dates. Early booking is a must.  Most Rogue River Canyon - Oregon Rafting trips are 2 to 4 days to make the 45-mile journey from Galice to Foster Bar.  Oregon Rafting Guides 

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The very word OREGON conjures up images of snow-clad peaks, cascading rivers, lush forests, clean air, spectacular sunsets, and the associated joys of Oregon rafting, fishing, hiking, looking, smelling, listening and feeling. The words WHITE WATER RAFTING add images of idyllic streams, verdant landscapes, fun rapids, and hillsides full of wildflowers. Oregon has some of the country's best white water rafting rivers. White Water Warehouse

Oregon Rafting

Lower Rogue River Rafting

 Agness, Gold Beach

Foster Bar To Quosatana Creek Campground

Whitewater Rafting

Rafting Season: June - October

A place to get away from other Whitewater rafting groups, however there is fishing and Jet Boat traffic.
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Whitewater Rafting

Upper Klamath River Rafting

Rafting Season: June - October


Wild and Scenic Rivers / Upper Klamath RiverBoth Whitewater Rafting and kayak enthusiasts are drawn to the Upper Klamath River for the scenic beauty of the Klamath River canyon. It is technically possible to run the Klamath River year-round, but optimum whitewater rafting and kayaking weather occurs mostly from May through October.

Whitewater Rafting of the Upper Klamath River, rapids are rated at class IV+ to V (Caldera and Hells Corner rapids are rated class IV+ to V, depending on water levels and who is doing the rating). These Whitewater Rafting river rapid classes are considered advanced to expert on a scale of one to six. In the middle 5 miles of the Upper Klamath River, there are 19 separate white water rafting rapids rated class III or higher. If you are not a seasoned whitewater rafting rat, there are a number of White Water Rafting Guides who offer safe, professionally guided white water rafting trips ranging from one to three days.
Contact our Oregon Rafting Guides Rogue Klamath Adventures,


Oregon Whitewater Rafting

North Umpqua River Rafting

Class: Class I to V

The North Umpqua River will challenge all Oregon rafting enthusiasts, both rafters and kayakers with great whitewater rafting rapids. The North Umpqua River is rated from Class I to Class V whitewater rafting rapids. Most whitewater rapids increase in difficulty with higher water volume, and several rafting rapids become more difficult as the water level decreases and exposes more rock to negotiate. Over a dozen commercial Oregon rafting guides are permitted by the BLM and USFS to provide Umpqua River whitewater rafting trips to the public. Best months for the North Umpqua River are May, June and into July, depending on weather.
Oregon Rafting Guides

Whitewater Rafting Classifications

CLASS I Whitewater:

Very easy. Waves small, regular; passages clear; sandbanks, artificial difficulties like bridge piers; riffles.

North Umpqua River Whitewater Rafting Class I

CLASS II Whitewater:

Easy. Rapids of medium difficulty, with passages clear and wide; low ledges.

Rogue River Rafting - Canyon Whitewater Rafting Class II

CLASS III Whitewater:

Medium. Waves numerous, high; irregular rocks, eddies; rapids with passages that are clear but narrow, requiring expertise in maneuvering; inspection usually needed.

North Umpqua River Whitewater Rafting Class III

CLASS IV Whitewater:

Difficult. Long rapids; waves powerful, irregular; dangerous rocks; boiling eddies; passages difficult to reconnoiter; inspection mandatory first time; powerful and precise maneuvering required.

Blossom Bar in the Rogue River Canyon Whitewater Rafting Class IV
Note: The Drift Boat Wrapped around the rock in center of Photo


Generally considered un-runnable except with covered or specially equipped boats.

Rogue River Rafting Rainey Falls in the Rogue Canyon Class V

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