Web crawl snapshots generously donated from Accelovation. This data is currently not publicly accessible.
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Accelovation is pioneering the delivery of Insight Discovery? software solutions that help companies move from innovation idea to product reality faster and with more success.
Our solutions are used by leading firms in the Fortune 500 and beyond ? companies from a diverse set of industries ranging from consumer packaged goods to high tech, foods to chemicals, and others. We help them mine the online world for market and technical insights to help speed the process of innovation.
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20061016193827/http://www.janeresture.com/oceania_resources/postcards.htm
Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries
The images of Oceania
are both diverse and fascinating.
The photos on this Web site provide an indication of the
diversity of the people,
their unique culture as well as the
history and geography of the countries of Oceania.
In addition to the photo images of Oceania, this Web site also contains Links to
extensive postcards and picture galleries of
almost all the islands and countries of Oceania.
You are invited to visit
http://www.hulahips.com for a colourful
photographic and musical journey through the beautiful islands of
Hawaii. This Web site by Joed Miller is highly recommended. It also
incorporates an extensive range of useful and interesting links to other
Hawaiian Web sites as well as links to other Pacific Island and Oceania
Web sites.
For the aircraft enthusiasts,
Gatwick Aviation Museum in England, has a unique collection of British
aircraft from the "golden age" of British aircraft manufacture. From the
end of WWII until the 1970s British aircraft designers produced some of
the most innovative and advanced aircraft of the day. In this collection,
there are examples from the major manufacturers of this period. Amongst
the list are classic names, English Electric, Avro, de Havilland, Hawker,
Fairey, Blackburn and Percival.
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