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Fishing Knots - A Fisherman's Guide to Knot Tying

Properly tied fishing knots will put your mind at ease the next time you hook up to that trophy fish. With tightly and properly tied fishing knots you can cast your line out with confidence knowing that when the fish strikes your knot will hold no matter how tough a fight the fish puts up. There is no worse feeling in the world than the feeling you get when you loose a lunker to a poorly tied fishing knot that you know was "THE FISH" of a lifetime.

fishing knots Fishing knots

Common Fishing Knots Used by Fishermen

Offering freshwater and saltwater anglers and sportsmen over 30 fishing knots to practice and learn. We have some knots for primarily saltwater anglers like the Bimini Twist or Offshore Swivel knot. Also featuring popular and well known fishing knots such as the palomar, clinch knot, uni knot, and the common snell. What ever your type of fishing, whether you fish for bass in freshwater, big game offshore, or fly fishing the flats we have a fishing knot that you can rely on.


Fishing Knots Introduction:

When you decide to go fishing, keep in mind the following:

In choosing a rod and reel to be used in combination, make sure that when secured together they have a balanced feel in your hand. Both your rod and reel should be rated for the same line and lure weights. This assures that you can cast your lure the farthest and have the maximum sensitivity in feeling a fish bite. Now that you have the proper combination of rod, reel and line, make sure that the fishing knots you use to secure your hook, swivel or lure is strong enough to withstand the shock of a fish strike.

Remember! The fishing knots you tie are the weakest point in your line. Good fishing knots will retain more than 90% of the strength, while an improper tied knot will have less than one half of the line strength. The following are common fishing knots used by fishermen:

Check Out this Nice Catch! Checkout this fine catch!!
Click the link in the left column for a detailed view of a knot and click the big F fishing knots for a fast view of a knot. fishing knots
Strong knots catch fish like this: fishing knots
Albright Knot Albright Knot
Arbor Knot Arbor Knot
Bimini Twist Bimini Twist
Blood Knot Blood Knot
Clinch Knot Cinch Knot
Common Snell Common Snell
Convenient Noose Convenient Noose
Double Loop Bridle Double Loop Bridle
Double Uni Double Uni
Dropper Loop Dropper Loop
Duncan's loop Duncan's Loop
Egg Loop Egg Loop
Flathead Fred's Safety Pin Knot Flathead Fred's Safety Pin Knot
Improved Clinch Knot Improved Clinch Knot 
Improved Turle Knot Improved Turle Knot
King Sling King Sling Knot
Longliner's Knot Longliner's Knot
Loop & Cross Loop Connection Loop Cross Loop
Nail Knot Nail Knot
Nail Knot With A Loop Nail Knot With A Loop.
Non Slip Mono Knot Non-Slip Mono Knot
Offshore Swivel Knot Offshore Swivel Knot
Palomar Knot Palomar Knot
Penny Knot Penny Knot
Perfection Loop Perfection loop
Pitzen Knot Pitzen Knot
fishing knots

A knot for every situation, for every type of fishing. Whether you need a knot for big game saltwater fishing or a simple knot that's easy to tie for freshwater bobber fishing. Knots for the billfish angler, the shark hunter, and knots for the fly fisherman.

Ever wondered how to to pieces of fishing line together or how to tie a Bimini Twist? If you have then take a look at this highly detailed list of fishing knots and rigs which have been masterfully illustrated and described by professional sportsman and angler Mr. Geoff Wilson. For all the knots listed here and tons of other knots and fishing rigs rigs we certainly recommend you purchase a copy of Mr. Wilsons knot book, 'The Complete Book of Fishing Knots & Rigs'

Rapala Knot Rapala Knot
San Diego Knot San Diego Knot
Surgeon's Endloop Surgeon's End Loop
Surgeon's Knot Surgeon's Knot
Trilene Knot Trilene Knot
Tying Line to A Spool Tying Line to A Spool
Uni Knot Uni Knot
worlds fair knot World's Fair Knot

The average angler needs perhaps no more than three or four basic fishing knots, but these knots relate directly to his mode of fishing. The game fisherman need have little interest in the knots used by the trout fisherman, who, in turn, uses knots that are not necessarily suitable for the bream fisherman.

I suggest that you select only those few knots that are of the greatest use to you, and practise, practise, practise tying them until they become second nature to you. It is most important that you use knots that can be tied in an easily remembered manner. You'll be astonished how a few hours practice with a knot will make for perfection.

WOW, CHECKOUT this Redfish caught in Florida Checkout this little catch!!

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