By Captain Don McPherson Posted Wednesday, April 5, 2006
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Many people across the country are well aware of Alabama having some of the very best Red Snapper fishing around the world. You can talk to any fisherman or charter boat captain along the Alabama Gulf Coast and he will tell you how great the fishing is for Red Snapper. Orange Beach, Alabama is also home of the Red Snapper World Championship Tournament which runs from April 21st through May 21st .
However, what many people do not know, is that the Alabama Gulf Coast is also home of big grouper. If you are looking for a fishing charter on the Alabama Gulf Coast, then select one that targets grouper along with all of the other many species that we have to offer in addition to the ever-so-popular red snapper. There are several types of grouper that reside off the Alabama Gulf Coast. Among the most popular are gag grouper, black grouper, red grouper and scamp. These fish are usually found in water depths from 140 feet to 240 feet and deeper. Many of the red grouper and smaller gag grouper are caught in depths of 80 feet to 120 feet of water. Our largest grouper caught on the Getaway weighed 60 pounds. A 47.35 pound grouper, caught October 29th, 2005, won the October Rodeo in Orange Beach, Alabama. A 44.05 pound grouper took 2nd place in the rodeo. Both of these fish were caught on the Getaway. I really enjoy fishing for these big grouper and they can be caught year round.
One of our 12 hour deepwater fishing trips this past summer produced not only some large grouper, but a large variety of fish. This is very common on our longer trips. I met my customers at the dock and we all enjoyed sipping on a hot cup of coffee before we boarded the boat. I gave a tour of the boat, which included safety orientation, and discussed our game plan for the day. My deckhand untied the lines and we were off and running. A beautiful morning with calm seas and the anticipation of catching some big fish was already creating excitement on the Getaway. We traveled less than 2 hours and stopped to catch some large baits for grouper and amberjack.
Hooked Up to an Alabama Grouper
The lines had been in the water no longer than a couple of minutes and everyone was reeling up bait, white snapper, vermillion snapper and an occasional triggerfish. Within 30 minutes, we had plenty of bait and already several good fish for someone's dinner. We proceeded on for another 45 minutes and began our deepwater fishing. Within minutes, I saw red snapper, white snapper, vermillion snapper, triggerfish and scamp come in the boat.
Just as I turned my head, I heard Bryan, my deckhand, yell," Pull off , pull off". I knew we had a big grouper hooked. Joe kept saying, "It won't reel." We had heard this many times before, and we knew the drill. I eased the boat in and out of gear slowly as we attempted to pull this big fish out of the rock bottom. The rod was bowed and the drag slipped slightly. Joe was finally able to get a few turns on the reel handle. This fish was slowly coming up. After what seemed to be several minutes, but was really a much shorter time, the big gag grouper popped up on top of the water. Bryan made a swing with the gaff and it was in the boat. Wow. We put this fish on our scales and it topped out at 43 pounds. A great start. We continued on and boated three more grouper, all weighing in the range of 15 - 20 pounds. Several nice scamp also came into the boat.
We then traveled on to the next spot and continued catching a nice variety of fish with several red snapper added to the mix. The big bait rod was bowed over again. It first appeared to be a grouper and then we decided it must be a shark. It just did not want to come up. This poor guy was on his knees fighting this fish and was about ready to give up. All of his buddies kept cheering him on. Finally, this big fish surfaced several yards behind the boat. Wow, a giant amberjack. Bryan grabbed the big gaff and made a swing and it was in the boat. There was yelling and celebrating on the back deck of the Getaway. This big amberjack was later weighed at the dock and topped the scales at 71lbs.
We were on our way in with everyone talking about the great day of fishing and who caught the largest fish. There was plenty of laughing and joking as everyone enjoyed a cool drink. At the surprise of many of the guys on the back deck, the high speed trolling reel begin to sing. Bryan yelled, "Fish on, fish on." I slowed down to an idle to keep a tight line as the next angler strapped on the fighting belt and began to reel. The fight was on as this fish was pulling off drag. I knew it had to be a big wahoo. After a good fight, the fish appeared behind the boat, with the brilliant stripes glowing." Wahooooooo, "I screamed. The wahoo appeared to weigh approximately 30 pounds. What an awesome day. We were off to the dock with some tired but very happy anglers. I cannot tell you this happens every day, but we do experience many similar deepwater trips. As you can see from this 12 hour deepwater experience, you do not catch only grouper, but a nice variety of fish.
There is a method to catching big grouper, which includes locating them, presenting the right bait, having patience and not being too fast or too slow when the fish takes the bait.
The grouper may take the bait swiftly or he may just slowly take it and swim away. If you think you feel a fish on the end of your line, do not wait. Slowly reel until your rod begins to bow. As it bows harder, pick up your pace and reel a bit faster. You should never rush or make quick jerks or motions with your rod. Be steady, firm and never stop cranking. Many anglers like to pump and reel, but I will always advise you not to do so. All you need is just steady reeling. We often use large weights and every time you lift and drop your rod, you increase the chance of getting slack in the line and losing the fish. Also remember that anytime you are fishing in deep water for grouper, you may catch big red snapper, amberjack, vermillion snapper, white snapper or triggerfish.
On your next fishing trip to the Alabama Gulf Coast, why not try some grouper fishing along with our very popular red snapper fishing ? Remember, the deepwater of the Gulf of Mexico holds a huge variety of fish and your next bite could produce a big Alabama Gulf Coast grouper. I also forgot to mention that most all of these deepwater fish are awesome tasting and can be prepared many ways. There are several restaurants in the area that I would recommend to prepare your fresh catch for an enjoyable dining experience for you and your group. Come experience the fun, the sun, the bite and the fight.
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