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Risk of breast lift scars and BIOSKINCARE™ CreaM


Slow progress. Scar tissue from breast cancer lumpectomy responding well. (first purchase of two jars four months ago.) Ann Carter. United Kingdom.

The most common problem associated with breast lift surgery is scarring. Unfortunately any surgery that utilizes incisions will leave scars. Although all plastic surgeons are conscious of the appearance of scars and work towards leaving the smallest scar possible, the presence of permanent scars is unavoidable. To counter this, a plastic surgeon will perform precise work and leave permanent scars that can be covered by a bra or bathing suit. However, sometimes scarring irregularities occur. Most common among smokers and individuals with a history of abnormal collagen formation or scarring, scarring irregularities such as hypertrophic scar tissue, keloids or inner scar tissue may occur.

Like all surgery, breast reduction surgery is associated with a number of risks. Briefly, these include postoperative bleeding, infection, delayed wound healing, and abnormal scarring. In rare cases, breast or nipple skin doesn't heal and a skin graft is needed to close the wound, meaning more surgery. About ten percent of women report some loss of nipple sensation, which may be permanent. Breast reduction is performed under a general anesthetic and this involves it own risks. In extremely rare cases, serious heart, lung or kidney problems can result. Also, allergic reactions to surgical materials or medications are possible (but unusual). Your anesthesiologist can answer any specific questions on these issues.




Below is a list of some of the most common complications of breast reduction and their rates of occurrence.

Hematoma- Occurs in 4% of patients who undergo breast reduction surgery. A hematoma is a localized collection of blood in the wound, usually occurring in the first 48 hours after surgery. Large hematomas may need to drained in the operating room, under a general anesthetic.

Infection- May appear as redness around the incisions (called "cellulitis") or as an abscess (puss collection) inside the wound. Although infection usually can be effectively treated with antibiotics (medication), abscesses require surgical drainage under anesthesia. About 1-2% of patients who undergo breast reduction experience infection after the surgery.

Delayed Healing- Healing difficulties may range from minor problems such as small areas of wound separation to major issues such as extensive skin loss. Most of these complications are treated with daily dressing changes which allow the wound to heal in on its own (called "secondary healing"). However, large areas of skin or nipple loss may require additional surgeries to repair these problems. Diabetics, smokers, obese patients and the elderly are all at increased risk for delayed healing after breast reduction. Among all patients having breast reduction surgery, up to 21% will have at least minor problems with delayed healing.

A natural skin care solution for post-operative scarring:.

Nature holds pearls of wisdom that enhance life's splendors. BIOSKINCARE™ is just one of them. A natural skin care product.

Contains the most valued bio-available skin care ingredients, combined in one substance by nature’s wisdom itself.

Beautifies and regenerates skin's appearance affected by acne scars, stretch marks, keloids, keratosis pilaris, psoriasis & actinic keratosis crusty scales, aging wrinkles, age spots, melasma, pustules, papules, folliculitis, warts and more. Reduces rhinophyma acne rosacea redness. Fights razor bumps, razor burns and skin blemishes. Prevents acne breakouts, scarring,  ingrown hairs...

BIOSKINCARE™ Cream when used with discipline, twice a day, every day, is an effective and safe product that PREVENTS scarring and accelerates scar removal and skin healing after surgery, glycolic peels or micro-dermabrasion

breast lift surgery  - breast lift without implant  - scarless breast lift  - scars after breast lift  - risk of breast lift scars  - breast lift scarring -



I had back surgery in March.  It looked like I had a zipper going up my spine as well as one to the side of my back. I started using your product once I got the staples taken out and have used it faithfully morning and night since then.  You should see my scar.  It is unbelievable!!! It has NO red to it and it is as smooth as it can be.  I have never seen anything like it.  I have now started my son and my daughter on it.  My son has an ugly scar left over from a burn and plastic surgery on his neck and my daughter has the dark line on her upper lip.  I was so excited that your product helped that too!  I will be telling everyone about BIOSKINCARE™! Thanks, Kathy Robinson. MS, USA.

I was very reluctant to have surgery on my face because I was afraid of what scar would have been left. But after careful consultation with varies doctors I found one that I had confidence. I had it in December to remove a lump on the left cheek. It took only half an hour and one stitch luckily and the doctor said to me that will leave a small scar. Before having the surgery I came across your product and armed my self with two jars. And after the surgery I started using this product and I am on the very last bit of the last jar and one can only see a small lightness where this lump was. It is flat first of all, and has healed very well but internally I do think it still need a bit of healing and therefore will purchase another two jars. I think this product is very very good and thank you so much for sharing it with me. Adela Osterloh, Nassau, Bahamas.


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