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How often do you face this problem when you travel? you want to spend more on shoppings, food, better accomodation, better transportation, paid activities and etc, but was refrained because of tight budget. Raising enough fund for your dream holiday is often the single biggest obstacle faced by most travellers. The numbers of days, places to stay or the mode of transportation are usually predetermined by the budget allocated for your trip.

This section will help you make money and raise fund for your dream holiday so that more plans and activities on your "travel wish list" would be realised.

Make money online

The Internet creates tremendous opportunity to make money online, thousands of people have sucessfully achieved fiancial freedom through leveraging todays technology, the internet. One of the most exciting and proven "Make money online program" is the SFI, many have benefited from the program and so can you. Now, how does SFI work? You basically have ONE simple refer people to your SFI Website that you were assigned when you joined SFI! That's it! The system takes care of almost everything else.

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Make money with photography

If you like photography, there are many ways to make money out of photography, convert this hobby together with travelling, into money making businesses. There are a few ways that you could start off with, these include:

  • Photograph attractive scenic landscapes in popular tourist locations. Have them enlarged, professionally mounted and framed and sell them through gift shops. Build up a reputation for producing stunning photographic landscapes. Retain the copyright to your work and contact an agency to sell your photographs to suitable publications.

  • Transfer your landscape photographs on to plates and sell through gift shops. (see photoglazing on to plates above) Tourists are always on the look out for something attractive and useful. What better way to remind them of their holiday?

  • Another way to sell your photographs to tourists is through postcards and slide sets. Postcards don`t need to be confined to pretty landscapes either. Humorous images of various subjects are gaining in popularity. Check out your nearest gift and souvenir shops to see the choice on offer. Card shops should also be considered as another good source of revenue.

  • Arrange trips for nature photographers. This could range from simple bus trips to nature reserves, right up to a full blown safari holidays. Start small, but aim for bigger things. This idea has huge potential if set up and run professionally. If you`re an experienced traveller and have intimate knowledge of the best places for nature photography, you`ve got all the qualifications to make this business a success.

  • Write travel related articles, accompany by your pictures, and contact an agency to sell your articles to suitable publications.

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Make money working abroad

Working abroad is one good way to raise fund for backpacking trip. It gives you time to prepare or plan your trip while you work, at the same time it let you experience new culture. This method of raising fund has become very popular in recent years, visit "working abroad" section to find more information on getting a job abroad.

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Make money from ebay

Ebay is the most popular auction site in the internet. It was estimated that there are 40 million ebayer on the internet, buying and selling in the auction site. You can make some money from ebay if you have products to sell. Look around your area to see if there are anything worth selling in ebay. Many have given up their full time job to sell in ebay and many have tasted success. To start selling;

  • determine what to sell, do some research work ebay then look around your area to see if there is anything that is worth selling

  • register as a user in ebay

  • Learn to take good digital image and enhance them to look professional. Check out "Pixworld" to learn more

  • Learn from the "community" in ebay to improve your sales.

  • Open up a ebay store if you have enough inventories for selling.

Example of a ebay store - Balinese Home Decor

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Pentax A10
Pentax E10
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