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Oregon Salmon Fishing

King Salmon Fishing

Oregon and Oregon Salmon Fishing go together as this is the home to hundreds of thousands of  mighty Fall King Salmon. Fall King Salmon fishing in Southern Oregon is a Northwest tradition going back 150 years for settlers and a thousand years for Native Americans.

With large returns of Fall King Salmon. Nowhere in an area of 180 miles of coastline are so many Fall King Salmon found as in Southern Oregon which is the reason opportunities for salmon fishing here are so great. Fall King Salmon fishing is readily available here. Good Southern Oregon Salmon Fishing can be expected 9 months a year.

Southern Oregon salmon fishing river's have annual  returns, not counting ocean harvest (of 20% plus) of over 650,000 returning Fall King Salmon. Making Southern Oregon Salmon fishing opportunities a fisherman's vacation paradise.

Rogue River Salmon Fishing

Gold Beach Oregon

July 1st begins the Oregon Salmon fishing season for our returning Rogue River Salmon, averaging 20 to 40 pounds each. In August 2002 a 66-pounder was landed while trolling in the river estuary area at Gold Beach Oregon. This was the largest King Salmon landed in Oregon in nearly 20 years. This catch of a 66-pounder was soon eclipsed by a true Rogue River monster size Oregon King Salmon.

World Record Oregon King Salmon Caught Fly fishing on the Rogue River at Gold Beach Oregon
71.5-pound Rogue River Fall Chinook Salmon Caught by Grant Martinsen / New World Record for fly rod.
While Fly Fishing Grant Martinsen landed a 71.5-pound, Oregon King Salmon fishing and World Salmon Fly Fishing record King Salmon at Clay Banks on the Lower Rogue near Gold Beach, on October 22nd, 2002

Nearly all of the Rogue River Salmon fishing is for wild salmon stocks, very few hatchery Fall King Salmon are found in the Rogue River. Salmon fishing is good here until mid to late October. The Lower Rogue River near Gold Beach is the best bet for salmon fishing until water temperatures start to cool in September. Cooler weather in September brings water temperatures down encouraging stacked up King Salmon to begin to move up-river toward their spawning grounds up to 150 miles away.


Rogue River Fishing Guides / Gold Beach Fishing Guides / Rivers Logs for Oregon Salmon Fishing
Rogue Basin


Coquille River Salmon Fishing

September 1st will begin the Coquille River King Salmon fishing season with the returning of 30,000 Fall King Salmon averaging 25 to 50 pounds. All of these fish are caught in tidewater areas of the Lower Coquille River near Bandon. These King Salmon are big and mean with very good quality. Coquille River King Salmon fishing remains good September through October.

Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides

Chetco River Fall King Salmon Fishing

October 1st will begin the Chetco River Fall King Salmon fishing season returning 20,000 Fall King Salmon averaging 25 to 50 pounds. Hundreds of  Fall King Salmon will stack up awaiting autumn rains to raise this rivers flow to allow upstream passage. The Chetco River which is only 50 miles long raises and drops quickly. Trolling for King Salmon is also good in the Chetco River estuary in October. King Salmon fishing remains good from October to January.

 Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides
Chetco River Flow Gage

Elk River Fall King Salmon Fishing

October through January.

The Elk River is 50 miles long with 10 miles of the best King Salmon fishing water for late season Fall King Salmon to be found anywhere. The Elk River is a wonderful river for Oregon salmon fishing, a small stream with more King salmon holding water and holes per mile than any other stream in Oregon.

The Elk River King Salmon will out fight all other King Salmon hands down. More fish are lost here on the Elk River than are landed due to water conditions and the attitude of these Elk River King Salmon.  On the average these big Fall King Salmon will win their battle 50% of the time as they are big, mean and aggressive, all qualities we want in great Oregon Salmon fishing trips.

 Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides

Elk River Hatchery River Report (541) 332-7025

Sixes River King Salmon Fishing

October through January

The Sixes River is a sister stream to the Elk River, these two streams enter the Pacific Ocean at Cape Blanco State Park about 2 miles apart. The Sixes  is about 50 miles long and has a gentler gradient than the Elk River.

Oregon Salmon Fishing Guides

Umpqua River Fall King Salmon Fishing

The Umpqua River runs between Winchester Bay and Reedsport on the Southern Oregon Coast upstream through Scottsburg and Elkton and on to Roseburg at Inter State 5.  The is an area between I-5 and the South Umpqua River confluence with the North Umpqua River is a great area for Umpqua River King Salmon fishing.

Oregon Salmon fishing Guides

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