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Hann Lee with 9 pound
High Desert Redband a Trout
of a lifetime.

Oregon trout photos
Most fly fishermen remember a day when they stalked small remote streams for a chance to catch wild trout out of hidden pools on a drifted dry fly. The stalk was exciting, the strike awesome and the landed fish was the nicest trout on the planet. I have been flyfishing for 35 years and have fished many of the wests best streams and lakes with some of the great fly fishers of our time and this is what I have learned. No matter what great waters or fish you cast a fly to, the streams of your youth in fly fishing, the creeks and wild trout will always make you think those may have surly been the greatest fish on the planet. Yes the opportunity to reach these hidden, unfished areas is harder to come by, but not out of reach. We can take you there on our custom Trout Camp trips. The structure of these trips change with the yearly rainfall, season and hatch. We build a custom trip for your party that will live in the fly fishing lore of your memories.

Trout of Eastern Oregon are true natives with abilities to adapt to harsh summer and winter weather in the high desert. The hardy, brightly colored redband will attack a fly with reckless abandon.

Come fish the secluded steams and lakes of the Steens and Warner Mountains on our private ranches. We will show you fly fishing opportunities most people only dream about.

The wild redband trout camp trips include accommodations at our comfortable wall tent cowboy camp in the Steens, or at the Rivers End Ranch in the Warners. Rivers End Ranch has the states largest private lake at 1,100 acres and a three bedroom ranch house for modern accommodations.

BLM and USFS permits allow us to operate on public ground.

Seasons: May - Oct
Cost: $325 per day/PP


Jerry Swanson of Kaufmans Flyshops with 8 pound Desert Rainbow.

or 541-247-4138
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Fish Oregon
Steve and Eva Beyerlin
94575 Chandler Road ~ Gold Beach Oregon 97444

Copyright © 2002  Steve Beyerlin's Fish Oregon  and  Greybeard Design Group.  All rights reserved