Dirty Tennis (VHS)
Viewers who want to win a tennis match - at any cost - can play by the rules as explained here. Anything goes, including dressing to distract an opponent, exhausting an opponent before the game, cheating at first serve, and the old bald ball trick.
Beyond Rangoon (VHS)
Director John Boorman's film, inspired by the crackdown of the Burmese military during the late 1980s, stars Patricia Arquette as Laura Bowman, an American doctor. After the violent death of her husband and child, Laura joins her sister...
Fievel`s American Tails V. 2 - The Legend of Mouse Hollow & Babysitting Blues (VHS)
In the first Tail, the evil Cat R. Waul stages a musical extravaganza in order to gather all the mice in one spot and box them all up with his mouse-packaging machine. In Babysitting Blues Fievel`s baby sister gives him the slip and falls into th...
Gundam Wing Vol. 2: Dark Shadows (VHS)
Edited In episodes 5-7 of this beautifuly animated and immensely poplar anime, Relena learns that she is not who she thinks she is when she visits her dying father in the colonies. She proceeds to get a little hysterical upon learnimg ...
Inspector Gadget Saves Christmas (VHS)
Dr. Claw has locked up Santa Claus at the North Pole and hypnotized his elves! Christmas will be ruined unless Dr. Claw is stopped. Enter Inspector Gadget, his niece Penny, and Brain the Dog! They travel to the North Pole in an attempt to stop the ev...