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Denny Hughson's
Rogue River Guide Service

Denny with a couple of young Spring Chinook Salmon fishing buddies

Hughson's Rogue River Fishing Guide Service is located in Gold Beach Oregon on the famous Lower Rogue River. A destination for salmon fishing enthusiasts from all over the world.

Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon

The Rogue River is one of the best Spring Chinook Salmon fishing rivers in the world. We not only have great runs of Spring Chinook Salmon but our Spring Chinook Salmon are caught only hours out of the ocean so they are the best eating Spring Chinook Salmon to be found.

pic2-tn02The Rogue River Spring Chinook Salmon averages about 20# with Springers to 40# every year. We will use our 24' custom built power boat to access the Lower 37 miles of the Lower Rogue River fishing fro an anchored boat on inside corners to intercept fast move Rogue River Spring Chinook. Best months for Spring Chinook on the Lower Rogue River is April - May - June. We will begin fishing Spring Chinook on the Rogue River in late May depending on river temperature and river flow.

Rogue River Fall Chinook Salmon

Denny with a couple of monster Rogue River Fall Kings 2002

Gold Beach Oregon is the home to Rogue River Fall Chinook Salmon fishing. Thousands of early Fall Chinook Salmon will enter the 3 mile long Rogue River estuary starting in early July and peaking in mid September. Rogue River Fall Chinook run large and very fresh from the sea. 23# to 30# Fall Chinook are most common here on the Lower Rogue River, although in recent years there have been Fall Chinook of 66# and one that broke the World Record for Fly Fishing at 77.5# in 2002!

Nearly all of the Rogue River Salmon fishing is for wild salmon stocks, very few hatchery Fall King Salmon are found in the Rogue River. Salmon fishing is good here until mid to late October.

Hughson's Rogue River Guide Service
P.O. Box 1078, Gold Beach Or. 97444   /  Office: (541) 698-7395

  • USFS Historically Permitted Rogue River Fishing Guides
  • Rogue River Salmon & Steelhead
  • Drift or Power Boat
  • Fly Fishing
  • All Local Rivers Fished

About Denny

Born and raised in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, I started fishing with my father before I could walk and learned to row a boat before I could ride a bike. I built my first drift boat in wood shop in high school, joined a boating club and started running all the wild and scenic rivers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as the only boy in an all men's club. I started guiding in 1966 for a company that operated on the Rogue River andBOB'S-FISHING-TRIP-022 Deschutes Rivers. In 1970 I started my own company, "Northwest River Outfitters," and worked many rivers in Oregon and Idaho: Deschutes, Rogue, Grand Ronde, Middle Fork of the Salmon, Snake River through Hells Canyon, Willamette, Santiam and Siletz just to name a few.

In 1986 I decided to turn all the trips over to my son, Craig and do only the Rogue River. I moved to Gold Beach and built a home over looking the Rogue River and the Pacific Ocean. Living in Gold Beach is like a dream come true. It is extremely beautiful and filled with friendly people. Gold Beach is the perfect place to be based for my canyon trips and offers endless opportunities for the Rogue River day trips with many salmon runs coming in.

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Denny Hughson
Hughson's Lower Rogue Guide Service
Box 1078
Gold Beach, OR 97444
Cell: (541) 698-7395

Denny's Mail

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