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OK World Travel offers a wide range of Cultural programs for its clients, in the fields of operas, musicals, operettas, classical concerts and Hungarian folklore programs. We truly suggest preliminary ticket purchase, as most below programs run with full house.

Opera and Ballet
Budapest is fortunate to have 2 opera stages, namely the State Opera House with its more than 100 years traditions, and Erkel Theatre as a modern theatre dedicated to the opera and music life. The two venues share the very best singers and musicians of Hungary as well as guest singers, actors and ballet dancers from all over the world. Their repertoire includes Verdi, Mozart, Rossini, Schönberg, Tchajkovsky, Puccini, Strauss, etc.

Musicals and Operettas
Hungary has a 100-year-old tradition of lighter music performances, namely the operettas. The Operetta Theatre that has been recently reconstructed keeps this special music style alive. It symbolises today the peaceful and sparkling times of the 1920s and 1930s when Operettas were the most popular.

Operetta performances can be enjoyed also in the Pesti Vigadó, a beautiful, Moorish Style Concert Hall where Interoperetta Concerts are regularly held.

The palette of musicals in Budapest is extending by international standards. Such musicals as The Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, Mozart, Les Misérables make the theatre life colourful. Musicals are on the repertoire of Madách Theatre and Operetta Theatre.

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