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When you make a purchase on, you do so on a safe and secure server. The information cannot be read while it is being transmitted. Data on our server are secured, because of the permanent administration of that server and also because of following the latest information about security holes and patches against them. Furthermore, there is a restricted access to all databases on our server. The data are stored daily very carefully not to make any problems to all customers who are using our web site. The access rights to the database and also administration part of the application are secured to minimize the risk of accessing any unauthorized subjects to the data.

Traveller profile information
OK-World collects the full name and contact number of the traveller when a travel reservation is made. This information is stored in the My Profile section of a member's account.

Purchase information
OK-World collects all necessary information such as your account, address of your bank or number of your credit card in order to bill you for travel purchased through All this Information is demanded via e-mail after the first made reservation.

Responses to your questions or suggestions
We will use your e-mail address or telephone number to respond when you submit a question or suggestion, or request assistance with viewing your itinerary, logging on to, or accessing your account.

My Profile
The My Profile section on allows members to view and change their account settings. The e-mail settings option lets you change your e-mail address and subscribe or cancel subscription to the Mailing list or special promotional notification services. You can also change your password, update or your correct name, phone number and etc.
You can also close your account by selecting the Account Closure option. Once you close an account, you will not be able to sign in or access any information associated with the account, but you can open a new account at any time. We will send you an e-mail confirming your account closure to the e-mail address contained in your member profile.

Sign-up to become an member
When you sign up as a new member, you will receive a "Welcome to" e-mail. This e-mail describes the benefits of using OK-World for planning and purchasing your travel needs. If you are a travel agent, tour operator or corporate client, you will receive an e-mail containing your Client ID within a few days that will allow you to obtain special offers from OK-World in the future.

Request to close an account
When you complete an Account Closure request, we will send you an "Account Closure Confirmation" e-mail.

Purchase Travel
Each time you purchase travel through, or change or cancel a confirm a travel reservation, you will receive confirmation of your travel itinerary via e-mail. In the event that your travel plans are disrupted due to problems of a mechanical nature, e.g. the weather, or the carrier, OK-World may contact you to inform you of these disruptions and help you make alternative travel arrangements.

Contacting OK-World
We want to make sure you have control over your online travel experience as an OK-World customer: from planning and purchasing your travel to protecting your personal information.
OK-World customer service travel agents are ready to help with your travel concerns on the phone number +36 12 676 080.

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        © OK-World 2004, Developed by ILIKETHIS!, Last update on 9th February 2006