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If your palms sweat when you lift - whether because of hard training or the gym bunny gyrating in front of you-keeping a strong grip on the barbell can be difficult, limiting the weight you can use or the number of reps you're able to complete. (Even if your hands don't get clammy, most guys' grips are still a weak point, holding back overall strength gains.) According to Jonathan Fass, C.S.C.S., a strength coach at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J., the solution for both problems is literally in the palm of your hand: It's called a hook grip.
Prepare to grip the bar overhand as usual, but wrap your thumbs around it first [1]. Then, wrap your fingers over your thumbs (so it looks like you made two fists with your thumbs on the inside) [2].
"When you hold a barbell," says Fass, "you're ultimately relying on the strength of your thumb to hold the bar in place." Since the thumb comprises small muscles, it can tire out easily. "The hook grip eliminates the problem by reinforcing the thumb with the rest of your fingers, allowing you to apply more force to the bar." A favorite technique of Olympic weightlifters and powerlifters, the hook grip can be used for many exercises (it's particularly helpful for deadlifts, bench presses, and pullups). Be prepared for your thumb to be sore for the first few sessions as it adapts to being squeezed against the bar. After that, you'll be hooked on this grip for life.
Reader Comments:
Thats a interesting technique, I will have to try implementing it into my training regime.
Thanks Sean Hyson!
-- Master James
I play hockey for a university and i recently got on no2...what are some opinions on this supplement?
-- Jeff
Great idea Jon, I was looking for a new grip, and I'll try this one.
-- Big Al
This grip help out some; but when it comes to heavy weight I still grip with my thumb around the bar. I did notice though that it put more of a strain on my tri's but it also put some strain on my elbows. I think I might have tendonitis in the elbows but I'm not for sure, do you know how I can tell and is there anything I can do to help prevent it from happening? please feel free to email me back at Thanks Mike
-- Mike
Excellent tip!! It really helps to minimize fatigue while gripping the bar.
Thanks Jonathan!!
-- Sean Lovelli
I'm trying to loose excess fat, and build lean muscle for the summer. Does anyone have any advice on what kind of routine I should be looking into? Thanks
-- Cutty
Hey all...I'm glad that you liked the tip.
Mike: What type of feeling do you have in your elbows? Is it constant, or only when lifting? Your best bet would be to have a qualified professional (i.e. a Physical Therapist or Physician) examine you to ensure your safety.
Cutty: There is an excellent article in this month's MF from Alwyn Cosgrove & Christopher Mohr, "Human Inferno" that is perfect for fat loss. Take a look!
Jeff: NO2 is a supposed hemodilator, and is basically nothing more than the amino acid Arginine, which has a poor bioavailability and has been shown in repeated trials to have no effects when ingested orally.
-- Jonathan Fass, CSCS
im having trouble burning fat on my inter theigh if you know something i can do email me at
-- John
John: Stubborn fat deposits can often be a result of improper dieting and nutritional intake, or improperly long periods of hypocaloric intake without adjusting your consumption to avoid metabolic slow down/stagnation. You might want to take a period of a week or two at a maintenance level intake to re-adjust your metabolism, then take a look at Alwyn's program for effective exercise (I think that Alwyn should start paying me royalty checks for how often I've pimped him already!). Best of luck!
-- Jonathan Fass, CSCS
i play college baseball. i was curious about what workouts i should be focusing on?
-- stephen derby
my calfs are smaller than the rest of my body, what can I do to make them bigger
Stephen: A proper conditioning program for an athlete will vary depending on the position, in season vs. off/pre-season, and even according to the individual athlete's needs & abilities. In general, you should pay special attention to the shoulder complex for maintaining your joint and rotator cuff health and flexibility, abdominal rotational twisting force and upper body power development for swinging the bat, and multi-directional sprint work and leg power for base running and fielding. Specific recommendations, however, would require more information. Having said that, there some excellent, free resources on the internet that you can take a look at, such as, which has a very thorough compilation of baseball conditioning programs and articles. Good luck with the season!
Terrence: The calves, just like any other muscle, will respond with a variety of training methods, including variations in weights, volumes, and techniques. If you are using a 3x8 method currently for a given exercise, for instance, you can try something different, like a 5x5, using heavier weights. You can also try somewhat "unorthodox" methods, such as sprinting, to add variety to a routine. I would also suggest using higher frequencies (3-4x per week), employing various set/rep schemes to spur growth in a stubborn body part (numerous studies show the positive effect of training frequency towards increasing muscle strength). Although genetics play a role in everyone's individul physique and potential, you can make the most of it with proper programming and diet. Good luck!
-- Jonathan Fass, CSCS
hey guys im a little bit of a hard gainer, i do 4x6 for like all my lifts and im trying to put some size on my arms especially my tri's. I can tricep pushdown 140 in a set of 6 and they are rock solid but i want them to be bigger if i flex and hole my arm out to the side its nearly flat on my tricep side. any good lifts or advice for me to put some size on my arms email me at thanks
-- Jason
Is there some kind of supplement out there for you liver that is supposed to help u build muscle?
-- Richard
What kind of weight training do i ned to do for bowling.
-- bob
Please tell me what weight training to do for bowling my avg is droping fast iknow you should do arms but what kind?