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Washington Salmon Fishing


Skagit River - Hamilton (WDFW)
Skagit County

Waterbody: Skagit River
Site Manager: Fish & Wildlife Dept of     
Nearest City: Hamilton


Boat Launch Type
# Type Description
1 Launches Ramp - concrete, plank
# Type Description
1 Restrooms Vault
Trailer Parking
# Type Description
35 Trailer Parking Gravel


Special Note:


The boat ramp has a steep grade at the river bank and is located on a section of river with a slow to moderate river current. The gravel from between the planks has been washed away and has exposed the steel fasteners. The concrete planks have been undermined by erosion from the river current. No designated disabled parking. No overnight parking or camping within the access site. The parking area can become very muddy from silt deposited from flooding events.


From Sedro-Woolley, E on SR 20 12 mi; R (S) on Lyman-Hamilton Rd, go 50 ft.; L on Cape Horn Rd, go .25 mi; L on Shangri-La Rd, go 1 mi; access site on L.


Last Updated: 2/18/2000 2:31:53 PM

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Copyright  2006 Last Modified 10/23/2006
