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November 15, 2006
> Define Your Abs
Increase Your Bench
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The Complete Chest Program
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by Cameron McGarr, C.S.C.S.

If you're an actor or pop star, "crossing over" to new territory can be a big risk (just look at 50 Cent's major-movie debut). But if you're like the rest of us-in the gym trying to build more muscle-a crossover may be the best way to change up your routine and keep growing. You can start by attempting the crossover lunge.

From the starting position [1], cross your left leg over your right and lunge as far as you can to your right side, landing on your heel [2]. (To ease the pressure on your front knee, land with your foot at 45 degrees.) Return to the starting position, then repeat with the right leg, lunging to your left. That's one rep. Perform three sets of 12 reps on each side, resting 90 seconds between sets. Do this exercise at the start of your leg workout.

Apart from the quad-building benefits you get from doing any variation of the lunge, the crossover targets the hamstrings and glutes extra hard while teaching your body balance and coordination. Therefore, it also enhances your ability to move in any sport-in case you were planning any crossovers of your own.

Reader Comments:

I use this alot in basketball, with my crossover dribbles. I'm a 16 years old, 6'6, and 170 pounds. I'm alittle on the thin side but with your help over the last few months i've gotten my bench press up 40 pounds, and it's now at 230. I still see myself breaking old records so much easier with your advice, and I still can't thank you enough. I still wish I could see more of these little "tips that help you lift more-INSTANTLY" kinda things, but I can't complain that much. Thanks again, I'll be waiting on your new magazine this month.

-Joel D
-- Anonymous

I am 15 years old wiegh about 128 pounds, I have read many differnet workout plans on this sight and on others. I want to gain weight and muscle mass. i will be playing football next year. I have been working out for awhile now (can bench 110lbs for 3 sets of 10, i can arm curl 65 pounds, for 3 sets of ten) I have been slowly getting stronger but i have only gained about 15 pounds over the last 6 months. What is the best workout i can do to gain wieght. I also run to keep up my endurance. I am prepared to go to the gym 4 times a week, and run/work on endurance on the other three days.
-- bob

if you want to bulk up, make protein shakes when you wake up, before you work out, after you work out and before bed. you will pack on lbs and if you are working out and doing cardio, it will turn to muscle. Twinlabs also makes a good weight gain powder...check it out..make sure you eat tons.
-- aaron

how the fuck do u get ripped abs?????
-- joey

yo wats poppin, yo i've been doin alot of crunches and i've been tryin to get the last 2 muscles mo' visible to make my stomach look mo like a 6 pack so wat wa should i do??
bang bakk
-- eli

You gained 15 pounds in 6 months? i would kill for that...i eat EVERYTHING and workout daily and i gained about 2 pounds in 6 months or longer...
-- Joel

I work out everyday for about an hour consisting of either weights, abdominals or cardio, along with doing 800 crunches every single day. My only problem is that i overeat too often which causes the wrong kind of weight gain. What the fuck should I do!!!
-- Chris

Does anyone know how i can get my hands on some earlier issues that I missed? like the one with T-O and stuff?
-- Anonymous

You are all liars and idots. 800 crunches a day....right. wanna get ripped abs? hard at it. Quit being idiots. Use commen sense...research instead of taking advice from other idots on a website post like me.
-- Kevin

Try not to eat to get full...spreading my meals out to 5 or 6 smaller ones helped me go from 175lbs. to 195lbs. and keeps my lean.
-- Robert

dear chris
the main reason your probably eating to much bad stuff is because you havent
trained yourself, make a schedule, and keep on lean meats, such as chicken,(raw chicken, skinless bonless) is great, and seafood, such as salmon, and tuna now these are low in calories, w/ sometimes give you those urges to eat those horrible foods, THIS IS WHERE YOU'LL LOVE A BLINDER make a FRUIT smoothie, that way your getting sugars from the fruit, dont add addtional sugar, OR a protein shake, these often can fill you up and satisfying that craving,

hopefully helped
-- jack mehoff

hi tnax for you Time
i went to ask is there any arabic websit of fitness bodybuilding

-- omar

Im getting my mothers thunder thighs, how do i get rid of these monsters??

-- jay

Im going to europe to play soccer, i wanna become buffer, more muscle strength so the opponent cannot push me off the ball. Im 5'6 at 140lbs. What kinda things should i do
-- DJ

"800 crunches a day"? (IF it's true) There's your problem. You're doing too many and not giving body enough time to heal itself.
-- Anonymous

Joey the ripped abs and six pack are all about the diet not the exercise.
-- Cody

i'm 14 years old, i had been working out a lot before about 6 tyms a week! and now becoz of examsi can't get back onto track since da last 2 months could you help me! i had an 8 pack and now its barely four :( i can't be motivated!
-- abdul

I'm a 21 years old,6'5,and 180 pounds cant get weight for the last couple of months and im doin this for about 2 years and so n for the last couple of months cant get weight i need ur help thank u

-- fawad

What's the best way to eliminate the fat over my abs while adding mass to my chest, shoulders and arms? I'm already lean 5'11", 165lbs.
-- Matt

All those skinny guys trying to gain weight, your biggest problem is definitely your metabolism, especially you young ones. Eat at least 6 meals a day; lean meats, whole wheat pastas, fruits, green veggies, a lot of egg whites, and protein shakes. Three important supplements are going to be creatine, arginine (preferably l-arginine) and glutamine. Also, be patient, unless you are going through puberty, it's almost impossible for you to gain 15 pounds of muscle in 6 months. You also have to be totally dedicated to your workout and diet, write it all down and follow it. If you don't do all that, then you will not make the gains you want. For you lazy guys who just start eating more chicken and rice and lie to yourselves about working out hard, stop lying to yourself. Get your ASS off the couch, DEDICATION is the key, it's not easy. All of those muscle building workouts and mass building diets that you read about are not just for big guys, they WILL help you skinny guys too, but don't expect to make the quick gains, give it time. And guys, DON'T GIVE UP. Good luck.
-- Josh

Pretty much the answer to all you're problems is eating right. You wanna get ripped, don't eat fried foods, candy, or drink soda. Drink lots of water, exercise right, and eat lots of protein and healthy beneficial foods for your body. I pretty much eat lots of bananas, drink water and protein shakes, eat chicken and pasta, and protein bars. I'm cut and strong. 6' 2" 195
-- Justin

i have a question, unlike everyone else that is trying to pack on the pounds i am trying to do the opposite, my goal is to have a nice set of abs before the summer, currently not much sucess with that. I'm about 6'0 and 180lbs what's your advice? Also I do about 250 sit-ups a day and lift a fair amount of weights, if you could tell me a good site or give me some advice it would be great.
-- Matt

well said josh!
-- Anonymous

Unless you are in serious training for competitive bodybuilding or professional athletics, protein shakes are unneccesary - provided that you create and follow a balanced, complete diet. For most people, a good intake is 1g of protein per kg of body weight (metric illiterate? 1g per 2.2lbs of body weight).

As for ripped abs, the key is, again, a good diet and of course exercise. Don't just do crunches though! There's no such thing as burning fat from a single area of your body. When your body starts burning fat, it's getting used from your entire body. Working the large muscle groups - quads, hams, back - will get your body burning fat faster than just targetting a single group. You can work your abs all day long and they'll get strong, sure, but to SEE them, you've gotta melt off that ice on your six-pack.

Finally, as has been said not forget to allow your muscles time (48 hours or so) to repair!l
-- J.R. - CPT-to-be

I'm 5'11, 155lbs, with very little body fat. I'm trying to put on some mass. I eat 4 times a day, and lift heavy weight with low reps 4 times a week. Is there a supplement that I should try to speed up my progress?
-- matt Neufeld

im 15 i wanted to know if i could drink any protein shakes. I have been workinout for about 2 and a half years. i wanted to know what can i do to really get my chest shaped. I want to be a bodybuilder when i get older so i started a little early. Can any1 help me???
-- joe

It may sound odd, but a healthy bout of self pleasuring prior to working out will relax and focus you. I started my "crank it" method 6 months ago. I have dropped 36 lbs.
-- Ed Reynolds

Bra, I be crunching mi abs, pressin these legs, and curling gallons of milk. Fo Sho. Im huge. I bench press 569 pounds, and squat even more! I found what really does it fo my workout is having lots of sex. Lots of sex will give you energy to lift cars. Bra, the other day I picked up my 1985 toyota corrolla and curled that biotch! Thts right. No protein, creatine or vitamens. Just corona, girls and milk
-- Big Swool Wo-dee

hey. for those of you who wnt muscle fast, i suggest you check out sean nalewanyj actually makes sense when he talks about gaining muscle
-- Perry

I am skinny. I don't have fat on my stomach. It is flat, but I don't have any visible abs. The abs don't feel hard yet unless I flex them. What can I do to make my 6 pack abs visible?
-- Michael

Eat protein, work out, and turn it into muscle!

-- jr

When people say to eat six seven meals a day what should the meals consist of ? can shakes count as a meal ? email me details

I'm trying to gain weight and start lifting a lil weight to get muscle I'm about 130lbs age 25

-- dude

u r retarted 4 doin 800 crunches a day do u have a life
-- theo

Have you thought of putting a bag over your head and pigging out?
-- Mr Motivator

Start not to eat anything at all and cut the crap about the 800 cranches you must not do more than 25 cranches per set and no more than 4 sets and not every day abbs are muscles and they need to rest to gain the right build on them. Try to lose any kind of fat from your body and try to add some more weigth at the exercises on the abbs and dont fuckin forget that abbs are muscles just work them as you work your hands, your chest and your others muscles...Dont be a fool be the smast guy...
-- George M.

To get a 6 pack you really need to up your cardio!!
-- Sandy

i was woundern if some one could tell me a good diet and workout for myself. im 15
-- dan

I'm 17 and I'm 6'0" tall and 175 pds. I've lost about 40 pds and want to get a six pack but still have some body fat left over what do I do to get rid of dat body fat.
-- Rondale

I from morooco i need a muscls
-- hassn

To gain the abs, is all commitment. Eat a balanced diet, six meals a day of small portions. But the exercise shouldnt just be weights or crunches. Try weights one day (working the whole upper body) and going for a run the next day. Go back to the gym and change the exercises but still work on the core, i find free weights are best for this. then for the cardio vascular instead of running try cycling swimming!! I had a big problem with motivation but take an MP3 and workout to your favourite music.
This is working for me, ive been on it for six months, ive stayed the same weight but what was once flab has transformed and definition is slowly but surely coming.
-- Doz

i'm 6'4" weight 298 my power has increased with time and i'm not 21 yet
-- braddah mike

how long will it take to get visible abs for a 33 inch waist... and how do you figure out the body fat percentile?
-- anonimous

Hello, I am 5"8 , 155' LBS, 15, and would like to know what kind of things I should do to gain muscle, what I should eat, and anything else that's helpful thanks
-- Fernando P

hello, i am 5"6, 150LBS, 30, and I would like to have a tone body in two month s how can I do that
-- melissa

I dont like any veggies or fruits really picky trying to loose anouther 40 lbs recently lost (55- 60 lbs) and tone up cut and pop out my muscels i lift about 30 mins 5 days a week and cardio 45 min a day 5 days a week. What should i eat what veggies and fruit should a really absoltly fprce my self to eat.. please help.
-- tampa

man thats all bull shit seriously im about 6'0 foot 185 lbs 16 years old how the hell do i get slimmer well 1 reason i just sit at home but i barely ever eat man and i dont eat to much junk food i always do sit ups.. i always bench press and i always do curls but it aint showing any improvement can someone give me some info i dont know if crunches are better or not HELPPPPP
-- adam

hey am 15 years old and i weight 195 am 6'0 feet i have a layer of fat in my stomach and a lil fat on my chest (call it man boobs..hahahahahaha) and my dream is to get a nice six packs and abs wut can i do?
-- Mike

i got lil fat in ma stomach i wana git rid of it and get a 6pacs so what should i do????
-- guru

ur all idiots, its so easy eat right 6 meals a day all healthy meals u know whats healthy and whats not. Hit the weights hard 4-5 times a week keep it under an HR a day. Hit cardio hard 4-5 times and 30 mins a day. If you really want help be honest on here, u all act like u have freak strength and yet still cant get a 6 pack
-- Anonymous

i want to shape my body. im 5'8 and 175 pounds. anybody can help me? i would appreciate if you could email me some tips. Im a lazy bum, email is
-- fed

hey how can i get 6 abs i need help to get abs i need them soo badly help!!!!!!!!!!
-- hitch

all those people trying to get fat from your stomach what you should do is go ride on ur bike go out and do like 4-6 miles and other thing you can do is jog. and people that are showing off saying u do 800 crunches ur most likely not doing it right if you were to do it correctly your absshould be hurting by the 10th rep you have to concentrate it in to the ab not using momentum. im 16 yrs. im about 5'3-4'' and i weight about 104lbs. and i max out bench at 135-140 if you have and question post it here and ill try to answer it adn reapply by my name so iknow your asaking my for advice. - sung-
-- Sung

Im currently 16 years old , although i train my abs once a week i train them till its is impossible to do another crunch. When i can do 15 reps comfortably i add some weight as they are the same as anyother musle part. If you want the 6 Pac then you must do cardio to burn some additional fat. when you feel your abs burning you are working them if not then work harder.
-- Mr Olympia - 2026

I am 6 ft tall and weigh 142 wt and bench 220 also i just 13

-- Anonymous

im 17 years old, and i wanna know if its better to work out your abs everyday!
-- Anonymous

hello i lif in africa. i 5 6" and 43lbs. im so hungy can u sen food. i no have 6 pac but can see me ribs. help
-- ingvikdfnbudfu

hello im 18 220lbs 6 ft. used to be 265lbs. i jog 5mornings a week and alterenate between more cardio and weight lifting 6 nights a week. its been going good so far but i feel i should change my diet, because right now i eat junk whenever. ive reed a bunch of stuff but cant really put something together. so if someone can email me like a day 2 day program or just any edvice that would be great.
-- chuck

im 15 im 6'2 about 160lbs im just starting to work out,im skinny but i have small man boobs. how do i get rid of them?

-- joe

erm, i basically have no fat/muscle at all, if i breathe in deep i can but a hand up inside my rib cage. Just wondering how i shoulde go about gaining some muscle, would i be better gaining a little weight before i start to work out - i dont really eat junk food and drink only water or fresh orange so im pretty sure my diet is ok. The problem is i just cant eat enough of it, is there anyway to increase the amount i can eat aswell?
-- skelator

i'm a teenager of 13, and i'm 5'4 and 110 lbs.i'm in great shape for my age and all my friends envy my muscular body and strength.i have never done weight training because i think i'm too young.i plan to do them when i'm like 17.i work out by doing aerobics,circuit resistence training [crt] ,and cross training.i also do flexibility exercices.i've been working out for like
1 1/2 years and i've got great results.i've got really ripped abs for a 13 year old and muscular and strong biceps, triceps, deltoids and leg muscles. what i need are exercises for my obliques since i don't know any[not weight lifting exercises. i'm strictly a non-weight exerciser for now and would like to keep it that way] and effective exercises for the back. those are my only problems and please help.and i exercise every day.

hey Cody. You are wrong man. abs are more than 80% about exercice and food matters only a little. but eat the right kind of food.

and people, remember to enjoy what you do. you shouldn't just work out because it's "good for you" ,but you should be enthusiastic about what you do. enjoy, people, enjoy.and also remember that anyone can overexercise. signs that you overdid it are :increase of 5 beats in the resting heartrate,anger,iritability,loss of enthusiasm for working out, sudden loss of weight and more. when this happens[and it will definitely
happen at leat once] you should reduce the amount you do or stop completely for about 2 weeks. when you start again build up gradually.

and act your age people.start weight training at 17 or 18. you will probably end up short if you start before that an get in even deeper trouble maybe.and don't become addicted to exercise. it's ok to skip if necessary.
and also drink water while exercising' before exercising and after exercising. GOOD LUCK.


-- MLMC.

hey im 15 years old, 6 foot 1, and i weigh 170 pounds
i normally weigh 180 but im jus gettin over bein sick for a while
i want to gain about 15 pounds of muscle how long will this take ?
my current bench max is 180 i want to get it up to 200
i can only use 25 pounds for my chest flys doing 4 sets of 15 reps 10 reps 15 reps 12 reps i can only lift 35 as a max how do i improve this
plus i can only squat 200 and i barely made that for a max i want to get this to at least 250 any tips ?
my military press is very low too i can only use a 40 pound dumb bell in each hand so i guess thatd be an 80 millitary press THIS NEEDS TO IMPROVE i would like to be able to use 80 pounds in each hand as a max so like a 160 pound military press but this may be a little out of reach at least anytime soon but any tips to help me get to 60 pounds in each hand
newayz im out
thanx in advance for your help
-- Alex

I always wanted a six pack I just have fat I need ripped abs, since I am 13
-- tracy colier

sup im 15 about 5'4 tall will weight lifting stop my growth

-- dman

ay yo im 6'0'' and 150 pounds and play basketball at least 2 hours a day, lift weigths and do crunches...i also eat very healthy like chicken, pasta and cereal. I still cant see my 6 pack yet CAN ANYBODY PLZ HELP ME OUT A LIL BIT? GIVE ME SUM ADVICE. THANKZ PEACE
-- TJ

most of the info about me is in the post above
i am on a strict healthy diet i take in just over 600 g of carbs a day as well as 160 g of protein this is spread out over the day and this includes my pre and post workout feedings
the most i can bicep curl with one arm in a standard concentration curl is 40 pounds i currently do a few things for my biceps i do 21's ( 7 rep os the bottom half, 7 of the top and 7 full reps) i do 2 sets with 20 lbs
i do hammer curls for these i do a set of 8 reps then a set of 6 reps then a set of 8 reps on 20 lbs and i also do some chin ups only once a week but i do 2 sets of 10 of these
ne tips or do i jus need to give them more time to improve ?
ne tips on this my current vertical is about 27 inches which is good for a normal person but as i play on my provincial basketball team in the post i need to get up higher as i said b4 im 6'2'' so i can touch rim but i can dunk i need about 5 more inches of vertical because i can touch rim but not well enough to dunk.
is it possible to gain 5 inches of vertical in 2 months ? if so how ?
newayz i g2g

-- Alex

I'm 14 and i'm nnot gonna lye, im lazy as hell. I'm about 6'0 and i wiegh around 160. Right now I'm content with my physical condition, the fact that i've been the strongest kid in my class at my school for about 3 years helps my self esteem. But next years gr 9 and ii would really like to put on 15 to 20 pounds of muscle over a little while. At one point i was alot stronger than i am now,which was last year when i was lifting wieghts frequently and getting all the protein i could, but lately I've slacked off. somehow i have managed to keep my 6 pack very toned but nowhere near as solid as it once was. If anyone can give me some tips on how to get back into my former shape it would really help. oh yes just for records my maximun bench press last year was about 170. I've managed to go down to 135.
so yes any tips would be appreciated.
-- Jeff

haha im 14 i can bench 135 and squat 155 im only 5:3
-- pimpdog

hahahahahah yea right

-- west side

Men constitute a rising proportion of people with eating disorders.
-- John R.

Im to fat and i need to lose weight
-- eddmond

I am a former Soul Rebel. I am 6'2 And weigh 345 lbs. It is mostly muscle. But at my age (52) that solid steel can still turn to jelly. So yous alls need to keep it. If you don't use it you will loose it. And let me tell you it is harder to get back in shape the older you get. So stay on top of it now when yous are young. And don't be makin fun of africans and asking to send food. In my country, we have that same problem. Fortunately we had our pick from many of the outdoor dwelling and even sometimes the indoor dwelling creature for dinner.
-- Doahua Xochiquetzal

I am 28 years old wieght about 158 pounds, I have read many differnet workout plans on this sight and on others. i was fat befor 1 year and my wieght was about 217 pounds i used to work hard until i lost lot of wight but my problem now is my abs and my muscle are not harder. what to do to make my muscles harder?
-- john

I am 17 years old, i weight 205 and i am 6'1 the only thing i do is eat ceral one time a day and that i also take vitamins and i lift weight everyday i wanting to knowing is okay to eat chicken and drinking orange juice okay too because i dont want to gain weight i want to lose bout 10 more pounds but i want to big too,that why is okay to eat chicken or not.

-- chayanne soto

I Am 17 Years Old, I Am Russian, I Weight 170 Pounds, I Can Bench Press 300 Pounds, Is That Too Much For My Age...
-- Andrey Reznikov

i am 75 years old and bench press 250

Dan Charelson, VA

-- Anonymous

im 15 years old 6' 2'' and weight 150 lbs. how can i gain weight and mussle mass by next spring in time for lacrosse tryouts??????
-- jay

hi 18 years of age and a 6 feet tall lean and thin i want to get 55 odd pounds to get musles i workout every day for last 1 week but the only problem is that i cant eat meat or this type of meal . but my diet consist of bananas , juices prob. mango and banana and lamon one glass each every day , rice 2 plates cereals 4-5 cups and loat of water and two toast (full of butter) thus are this enough of a vegterian diet . also i eat once every month pizza and pasta and a burgur. are this enough for getting 30 -40 lbs in one year please tell me
-- joy

Heres the deal. All you guys wanting to get cut and Pack muscle, your first mistake will be over training. the muscle will never build that way, it builds when your resting, not when your working out. Your working out too much. 250-800 situps a day will do NOTHING for you. Cardio/aerobis is what will burn the fat. You cant Isolate where the fat burns off. Your trying to burn of belly fat with some of the smallest muscles on your body(abs). Look at it this way:
Larger muscles = More calories burned = more fat loss. Get my drift?
That and most of you are wanting something for nothing. You want the body but you dont REALLY want to work for it.
Diet is a huge(if not the biggest) part too, you have to be strict, as others have said, no sugar , soda, fast food(a quick way to becomming a fatass), and no beer. You want to eat as natural and 'close to the earth' as possible. Other than that you have to stick with it.
Im 6'0 170lbs. Im not cut YET, but im well on my way. I've been living the last 6 months the way I descibed above and Im making huge gains in strength and I look tons better. I can see my abs now, though there is still some fat to be taken care of, My arms are bigger and I feel better, and thats what really you should be in it for your overall fitness and wellbeing. If your in it for any other reason you'll lose motivation quickly. Most important DONT GIVE UP youll get there. Fatloss and muscle gain takes time.
-- Levi

im a diabetic how do u think i feel trying to get lean and defined when i constantly have to eat carbohydrate to keep my sugar level sustained

-- Anonymous

i'm what i'm. i'm gonna work it out like dying to live and you lazy assz just give yourself double trouble...hahahhahahhaaaaaaa
-- Anonymous

i am a skinny little runt with no muscle my head is undersize and i need a 6 pac to impress Sophie Holland the girl of my dreams please guys help me out i need to overcome my skinny runt body from branstone bean
-- bean

hi i am 15 years old i am tall about 6'0 and 250 lbs with a great physique all girls love my body but the only problem is i am ginger and all the guys take the piss callin me a ginger prick i want to keep workin out to get onto the basketball team please guys help me out from GINGER Harley
-- Harley

Im 6'4 at 312 pounds, 4% body fat, but the steriods made my erecticus maximus, 3 inches erect. -_-
-- Juan Charo-Guadoloupe. Rodriguez

hi i am adam, im 5 ft 10 and around 195lbs and i really have a problem fiting in becuase i have a super duper mole on my cheek. i think im really hard and good since ive have bin hanging around with adam and chris. but no one else likes me (everyone)
please help me out.
-- jonesy

hi my name is Joe Morley i am 5.10" and i weigh 145lbs i do 900 press ups every mornin before college and i jog to college to keep me in shape i play for the college football team and i have 2 biggest arms you have ever seen and i have an 8 pac which all the girls love i am also very manly (if you no what i mean ) oioi but the problem is i have troubles at home with my family which depresses me and i am eating to much which makes me gain weight so can anyone help me write back from the sex god Joe
-- Joe

yeah im not sure joe
-- imcha

joe ure tiny 5 10 , 145lbs right here i am 6 6 and 300lbs and ripped !!
-- dylan

use ur common sense boys and girls!
-- lukio

hi my name is Anthony Venezia i am 5 8" and weigh 181 pounds. I am really in to working out a lot. I just love it and i do have a pasion for it. my goal right now is really to get bigger. i have really great size now but i think i want to lose some body fat and build for muscle. what is the best thin(s) i should do?
-- Anthony

i want a six pack bad i would like to have it in 4 weeks please somebody help me.
-- warren

i hafe to get a six pack for wrestling and im 5'0 and im 12 and i do 100 push ups and jog every day and ive been doin it for 7 months what should i do wrestling starts in 2 months
-- zack

I had "man boobs" before my wieght loss. I had lost 40 pounds, and still couldn't get rid of them, and then gained all that wieght back. I don't know what specific exercise to do to get rid of the wieght on my chest for good.
I know and will lose all that wieght again but i want to know what to do, exercise and wieght lifting wise to lose the "man boobs" any advice
-- Jake

you all are total numbskulls. are you serious or what? nothing here describes "real" working out so getta grip and start doing the "right" amount of exercises. get a move on you bulky and skinny and hulking liars!
-- cassendra

Hey! I realy want a six-pack by summer. I'm 13 going on 14. Besides crunches, do you think i should lift weights i heard u shouildnt till your 16
-- No name