Duck Hunting
& Alaska Sea Duck hunting in Alaska
Sea Duck Special Nov 22d-
Dec 12th 4 day trip $995pp**
Prince William Sound, Valdez Alaska 3 full days guided Sea duck hunting 3n lodging 2 meals daily.r
Sea Duck Specials Page
only a few
hunts left
Rick ~ Oz ~Capt Phil &
Wayne with 8 Mature Drake Kings taken
with Aleutian Island Waterfowlers on island
X Jan 06 |
We Support Ducks Unlimited

Duck hunting
Experience Alaska's Finest duck hunting with Aleutian
Island Waterfowlers. Our
professional Alaska duck hunting guides Own & Operate 4 separate duck hunting
lodges and camps in remote Alaska assuring our duck hunters world class hunting
from Sept 1st-Jan,22. Whether your looking to go Sea duck hunting, Puddle
duck hunting or Goose hunting we have a prime duck
hunting location for you.
We duck hunt on Prince William Sound, Kodiak
Island, The Alaska Peninsula, Bristol Bay and the
Aleutian Islands and the Pribilof Islands. These are Alaska's premier duck
hunting destinations and no other guides in Alaska offer the best hunting in all
these locations as Aleutian Islands Waterfowlers is the only full time guide
operating exclusively for duck hunting Sept 1st through January 22nd
full time in the hottest locations utilizing the latest Avery duck hunting
equipment and Ron Bankes Duck Boats.

Visit us at the 2006 Easton
Maryland waterfowl festival Nov 10,11,12 in the sportsmen Pavilion as we will
have a booth there, look forward to seeing many of our past guest's there.
Visit us at DU National
convention in Anchorage AK May 23-27

Sea Duck hunting
Sea Duck hunting in Alaska offers duck
hunting the way i t should be lots of ducks and fast paced shooting over decoying
Ducks. We offer High
quality Sea duck hunting for Harlequin, Oldsquaws, Barrows, Goldeneye, Scoters, King
and Pacific Eiders. Sea duck hunting for these
trophy species is allot of action and very rewarding when you see these mature
birds landing in your decoys at 25 yards.
Alaska Sea
Duck Hunting Trips
Aleutian Island Waterfowlers offers Alaska
Puddle duck hunting or Sea duck hunting trips that can be based out of one of
our remote lodges in Bristol Bay, Kodiak Island, Island -X or Valdez. We can
match up all levels of duck hunters with a trip that will meet there budget and
expectations. Our guided
Sea duck trips start at $375pp a day with
lodging and run up to $600 a day for fly-out duck hunting to remote Alaska.
When you book an Alaska duck hunt with Aleutian Island Waterfowlers you are
assured of a 1st class duck hunt with over 30 years combined guide experience.
 Kodiak Island was rated as the #3 duck hunting
destination in the U.S. last year and many of our other locations are
gaining popularity due to there consistent hunting year after year. Come enjoy
the last great wilderness duck hunting. Live your Dream and hunt over hand made decoys for Scoters,
Harlequin, Goldeneye and Common Eiders with Alaska's Premier Duck hunting guides.
Capt Phil with Waynes Kings 01/06