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Rogue River - report updated 10/26/2006 |
Rogue River Gold Rey Dam Fish Count 1-800-472-2434 Elk River Hatchery
Fishing Report 541-332-7025
Summer Steelhead Flyfishing Real Good on the Rogue!
The Rogue River Fishing Report for Mid October through Mid November is for lots of Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing action. We can also do well on the uper Rogue near Medford with plugs after November 1st. The 20th of October with two clients we landed 27 1/2 pounders ( 1 to 3 pounds) and hooked 7 adult Summer Steelhead landing 5 ( 4 to 6 pounds). On October 21st we landed 21 1/2 pounders ( 1 to 3 pounds) and hooked 5 adults ( 4 to 6 pounds) landing 3. On Oct 21st we only had 13 1/2 pounders but landed a wooping 8 adults (4 to 6 pounds) and lost several other adults, we got off the river early on th 22nd also. Like Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing nows the time! I have open dates 541-247-4138 I will update our Oregon Fishing Report next week.
Chetco River - report updated 11/5/2006 |
Click here for Chetco River Water Level |
Rains blow the Chetco out, King Salmon on the move!
As of this fishing report the Chetco River is running high and cleaning it out of leaves and silt. King Salmon will be on the move big time as the river drops. Lots of Kings were stacking off shore before the rain, now they will enter the river. The flow was 7500 at this report with rain slacking and only showers forcast. It looks good give us a call for dates. 1-800-348-4138
Elk & Sixes Rivers - report updated 11/5/2006 |
Elk River Hatchery Fishing Report 541-332-7025
Elk and Sixes River blow openwit rains, King on the move!
Ok, the rivers are up and fresh Kings are moving up. It time to go Salmon Fish'n! Call 1-800-348-4138 for a date with a great Elk River or Sixes River King!
Tillamook Bay - report updated 10/26/2006 |
Tillamook Bay Fall King Salmon fishing, need rain!
Tillamook Bay Fall King Salmon fishing report is need rain. Fall Kings are still being caught in the estuary and at the head of tide near the river mouths. The rivers are low and Fall Kings are stacking in these areas. Rain will bring more fresh Kings into the system. Outside in the ocean its to rough for good fishing. Best results await a rain which is forcast next week Oct 31 nad Nov 1st. Call to book now as when freshet comes everbody will want to go fish'n for Tillamook Bay Kings. Call Tillamook Tim at 503-812-2278
We will update our Oregon Fishing Report next week with forcasted rain event.