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Sustainable Development Partnerships
Welcome to the U.S. Government's Sustainable Development Partnerships Web Site
This site provides information on U.S. efforts to work with other governments, the private sector, civil society and other organizations to plan and implement voluntary partnerships that promote economic growth, social development and environmental stewardship.

Asia-Pacific Partnership logo: Name surrounds stylized oval globe with green continents

Asia-Pacific Partnership Tackles Tough Energy and Environmental Issues
November 13, 2006 -- The Asia-Pacific Partnership is not the product of lengthy treaty negotiations, but a voluntary, public-private partnership organized to address a specific, results-oriented agenda dealing with the multiple challenges of clean energy, reductions in the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions as measured against economic growth, and sustainable economic development." Full Story

Great Seal

Highlighting U.S. Efforts on Energy, Clean Development, Climate Change
November 6, 2006 --Today, the U.S. Delegation at the 12th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change released USA Energy Needs, Clean Development and Climate Change: Partnerships in Action" which focuses on our international action-oriented partnerships designed to reduce greenhouse gas intensity, build local capacity, increase access to modern energy services, and facilitate sustainable development. Full Story

epa logo

America’s Children and the Environment
October 24, 2006 -- U.S. EPA has released an updated version of America’s Children and the Environment , a compilation of information about children’s exposure to environmental pollutants. The report presents measures of trends in environmental factors related to the health and well-being of children in the United States. This update adds from 2-5 years of additional data for each of the measures in the original 2003 publication. More

methane to markets logo

Advancing Clean Energy: Methane to Markets Grant Proposals Due December 4, 2006
October 11, 2006  -- US EPA is supporting the Methane to Markets Partnership through making $2.5 million in grant funds available for activities that advance methane recovery and use as a clean energy source. Proposals are due December 4, 2006 and will be accepted from international governments, as well as public or private non-profit organizations. For complete information on preparing and submitting a proposal, see: More


State Department Highlights Emerging Focus on Results with U.S. Business Leaders
October 4, 2006 -- Speaking at the Business Roundtable’s first Social, Economic, and Environmental (S.E.E.) Change Initiative workshop in San Jose, California, Jonathan Margolis, the State Department’s Special Representative for Sustainable Development, described the recent transformation in international sustainable development discussions. "If the message in 2002 was ‘Words are good, actions are better,’" said Margolis, "the message in 2006 is ‘Actions are better, but results are what matter.’" Full Text


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