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Driving Times & Distances
  Departure City Destination City

Leaving From:

From To Principle Route km mi. Time
Niagara Falls Ajax Hwy QEW, 401 heading Norheast 165 103 2 hrs 3 mins
Distance and Time from Niagara Peninsula to Popular Destinations

Time to the Destination City is based on an average speed of 80 km/h (55 mph). Principal Route shows the list of major highways travelled in the specified direction.

Sort by Destination City Name
Destination City Principle Route km mi. Time
Hamilton Hwy QEW, heading West 70 43 0 hrs 49 mins
Kitchener Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 403, 8 heading Northwest 130 81 1 hr 40 mins
Toronto Hwy QEW, Gardiner Expwy heading East 130 81 1 hr 47 mins
Peterborough Hwy QEW, 401, 115 heading Northeast 260 162 3 hrs 15 mins
London Hwy QEW, 20, 403, 401 heading West 306 190 3 hrs 48 mins
Windsor Hwy QEW, 403, 401 heading West 380 236 4 hrs 43 mins
Kingston Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401 heading Northeast 390 242 4 hrs 50 mins
Sudbury Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 400, 69 heading Northwest 500 311 6 hrs 15 mins
Ottawa Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 416, 417 heading Northeast 530 329 6 hrs 40 mins
Timmins Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 400, 11, 101 heading North 790 491 9 hrs 50 mins
Sault Ste. Marie Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 400, 69, 17 heading Northwest 800 497 10 hrs 0 mins
Thunder Bay Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 400, 69, 17 heading Northwest 1490 926 18 hrs 40 mins
Kenora Hwy 420, QEW, Hwy 427, 401, 400, 69, 17 heading Northwest 1965 1221 24 hrs 32 mins