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Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Vacations on the Loewer Rogue River






Oregon Fishing Trips

Join us for your Oregon Fishing Trip or Fishing Vacation for King Salmon or  Steelhead on Oregon rivers. We have been providing professional guided fishing vacation and fishing trips services for 23 years on all Southern Oregon Salmon and Steelhead fishing rivers. We can show you the best in Oregon Fishing Trips and Fishing Vacation to be found in Oregon. Using our decades of Oregon fishing vacation expertise to help you land that monster Rogue River Chinook Salmon or a bright silver sided Summer Steelhead. We use both 22 ft Jetcraft powerboat or our 18 ft. Drift Boats to access the beautiful rivers of Southern Oregon for you on your fishing vacation. Take either a fly fishing trip or  conventional fishing trip, we provide both fishing vacation choices, depending on season and river condition or level. We do what ever gives you the greatest opportunities on your fishing vacation.

Our Oregon Fishing Trips and Fishing Vacation are customized for your parties fishing trip or fishing vacation.

All Equipment and bait is Provided on your Fishing Trip or Fishing Vacation.

Our Power Boat is a state of the art 22ft. Jetcraft with a 7 ½ ft. beam Pro Guide Model with 175 hp. Its design allows us to comfortably fit 4 fisherman when we head out on the river. We have tops and heaters for your fishing vacation comfort when needed. 

Our boat has the unique ability to travel in less than 6" of water. It is used primarily on the Rogue and Coquille river fishing trips. 

We use a 17ft Drift boat for fishing trips on the smaller streams, such as the Chetco, Elk, Sixes and Illinois. 

Fishing Trip / Fishing Vacation on some of the finest salmon, steelhead rivers in Oregon. We use the best equipment on the market. 

Chetco River ~ Elk River ~ Sixes River
Oregon Fishing Trip / Fishing Vacation
Fall King / Chinook Salmon Fishing Trips
                   Drift Boat Fishing Trip
                   Back-bouncing Roe, Plugs and Divers.

Provided: Drift Boat, Bait & Tackle, Boat Top and Heater
The Fish: Fall King Salmon / Chinook Salmon
                   average 25 to 35 pounds with fish near 60 pounds.
Fishing Season: Oct - Nov - Dec
Fishing Trip Cost

                    8 hour Oregon Fishing Trip all bait and tackle provided.
                    $350.00 for two Anglers per day
                    $250.00 /singles per day

                                            King Salmon Gallery

Rogue River ~ Chetco River ~ Elk River ~ Sixes River

Oregon Fishing Trips  / Fishing Vacation
Winter Steelhead Fishing Trips
Drift Boat Fishing Trip or Power-Boat Fishing Trip
Conventional and Fly Fishing Trips

Provided: Drift Boat or Power-boat, Bait & Tackle,
                   Boat Top and Heater when needed
The Fish: Winter Steelhead average 10 to 15 pounds
                   with Winter Steelhead up to 20 pounds.
Fishing Seasons: Dec - Jan - Feb - March
Trip / Vacation Cost: 8 hour Oregon Fishing Trip
                   $350.00 for two Anglers per day
                   $250.00 /singles per day

                                                 Steelhead Gallery

Rogue River & Coquille River Fishing Vacation

Oregon Fishing Trips  / Fishing Vacation
King Salmon / Chinook Salmon Fishing Trips
           Power Boat Fishing Trips
           Conventional Tackle Fishing Trips
           Trolling anchovies, spinners, drift fishing, bouncing roe.

Provided: Power-boat, Bait & Tackle, Top and Heater
The Fish: Fall King / Chinook average 20 to 40 pounds.
           Spring King / Chinook Salmon range from 18 to 30 pounds.

Seasons: Fall Kings - July / August / September / October
          Spring Chinook / Kings - March / April / May / June

Cost: for 8 hour Oregon Fishing Trip or Fishing Vacation
          $350.00 for two Anglers per day
          $500.00 for three Anglers per day
          $600.00 for four Anglers per day
          $250.00 /singles per day

                                             King Salmon Gallery

Rogue River Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Trips

Oregon Fishing Trips  / Fishing Vacation
Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Trips
            Fly Fishing, wading, Drift boat Fishing Trips or Power-boat.
            Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing Trips for the expert or novice
            we can show you Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing.

Provided:  Rods and Steelhead Flies (not waders)
The Fish: Average Summer Steelhead 2 to 12 pounds.

Seasons: Late Sep - Oct - Nov.
Cost: $225 per day/Per Person / $300 minimum

Steelhead Gallery

Rogue River

Oregon Fishing Trips / Fishing Vacation
Silver / Coho Salmon Fishing Trips
           Conventional (trolling or spin casting)
           Fly Fishing Trips (needs to be experienced in Fly Fishing)

Provided: Tackle and Power Boat, Boat Top and Heater
The Fish: Silver Salmon or Coho Salmon
          Avg. size 10 to 16 pounds with Silvers to 19 pounds

Seasons: Late Sep - Oct - Nov.

Cost: for 8 hour Oregon Fishing Trip
          $350.00 for two Anglers per day
          $500.00 for three Anglers per day
          $600.00 for four Anglers per day
          $250.00/singles per day
          $225.00 per person Fly Fishing / $300 minimum

                                           Silver Salmon Gallery


or 541-247-4138
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Fish Oregon
Steve and Eva Beyerlin
94575 Chandler Road ~ Gold Beach Oregon 97444

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