Go Fishing Today
Plan it right, buy it right, install it right, operate it right, then maintain it right!
Nothing can ruin a carefully planned trip, expedition and vacation chasing those elusive Bass, Walleye, Trout and your favorite target species or prospective meal than having all the quality equipment fall over. The simple trailerboat still depends on properly installed equipment, whether it’s river, bay, estuary or offshore, the problems remain the same. Reliability depends on very much on good maintenance and careful planning. Plan it right, buy it right, install it right, operate it right, then maintain it right and the problems will be relatively few if any. I have written a book that covers all of these issues, it is the plain language Practical Marine Electrical and Electronics for the Small Boat Fisherman to achieve just these requirements.
Some reviews on The Fisherman's Electrical Manual
But now there is a text that offers the answer to virtually any general text about marine electronics..... The Fisherman's Electrical Manual is written for owners of trailerable boats, but anyone considering purchasing devices and installing them on any size craft will find this to be an indespensible reference.....I highly recommend this book, and I would stick it in the same box as the new chart plotting GPS that Santa may be leaving under the tree. On The Water Magazine
The Fisherman's Electrical Manual sorts through an astonishing array of electrical and electronic devices.....In a well organised fashion John Payne addresses such subjects as outboard electrics, trolling motors, downriggers, batteries, boat wiring, sonar and fishfinders, GPS, charts, radar and autopilot. The International Game Fish Association
Looking for the right lure is not always easy, so many to choose from and so many manufacturers.
Click here for useful information on lures
The trolling motor is the essential bit of gear for getting where your favorite species are. Trolling motors are getting more sophisticated with radio and even voice control systems, and like larger boats they also have autopilot capability with small fluxgate compasses, essential gear for the bass fisherman. More units are available with inbuilt fishfinder sonar transducers installed within the unit. The selection process is all about thrust requirements, about bow or transom mounted, which voltage to use, and which optional control systems. The leading manufacturers Motorguide and Minn Kota introduce more complex, high performance units each year. West Marine- America's Favorite Boating Supply Source
Getting the most from your fishfinder and understanding how it works is clearly explained.
Click here for all you need to know about sonar is here
How to catch your fish is the subject of many books, website and magazines, and if it were easy we would have nothing to write about, would we? Many liveaboard cruising sail-boat folk report they do not catch many fish, and it is mainly because they do not target the fish type and use the correct rigs.
Click here for useful information and advice on catching your favorite species.
Walleye, Trout, Salmon, Pike, Musky, Shad, Crappie, Redfish, Bream, Whiting, Freshwater, Saltwater? Small trailer boats suffer some very different problems to their larger cousins the sailing yachts, power and motorboats. While some of the equipment is similar the results are rather different. Many boats sit in the home driveway or back yard on their trailers for many months and take the full brunt of the sun and rain between each use. When they do get taken out, they get covered in salt spray in choppy bays and estuaries. When they return home boats are washed down with the high pressure of garden hoses or pressure washers, penetrating most electrical gear.
Batteries usually sit without proper charging and also fail prematurely. What does all this cause? Misery and frustration. If you invest time and money on chasing the tournament circuits then reliability is even more absolutely essential. Even if you have a serious competition bass boat, you still have to look at and maintain your systems.
There are as many ways to cook fish as there are fish species, and thats the best part. Do you want some good ideas on cooking your seafood?
Click here if you want to learn how to cook your hard earned catch with great recipes and good ideas for the galley and kitchen
The most common boat problems center on batteries, the battery types, AGM, Gel or
flooded cell, whether deep cycle or not, how many batteries to install, and then charging the batteries properly to maximize the run time. Charging issues also center on splitting charging from the outboard engine charging system, and how to do it reliably. My new book will give you common sense and simple and concise information on making the most of your equipment.
Boat electronics gear is increasing on small boats with many boaters installing WAAS enabled GPS sets, along with sophisticated fishfinders, and makers such as Lowrance, Humminbird and Eagle improve performance and capability every new model. Again battery power is proving to be an issue along with the interference from trolling motors on fishfinders and GPS. VHF also is increasing with some boaters installing DSC units for use in near offshore areas, and others standard sets from makers such as Standard, Uniden and Raymarine. Many still choose handheld VHF and GPS units however the same operating principles apply. For good deals on many of these systems I use West Marine, definitely my favorite catalog and also stocker of my books. West Marine have most things for most anglers. Lures are another area that I have much interest and have collected several favorites over the years. There are several good suppliers worth considering and details are on the following pages. Also look out for good information on reels, quality always counts, and there is much to know and learn.
Wiring problems are still a major problem. The single greatest cause of boat failures are the electrical connections. Save yourself some problems and give all your systems a good checkup. Are they tight? are they clean and dry? are they corroded? are they protected? Bad connections cause volt drop problems and degrade performance. Even the corrosion, bonding and grounding issues so common on bigger boats also arise on
regularly used alloy boats. Look at the following pages for valuable information on
looking after your boat systems. If you are thinking of a trip or well deserved vacation look at some exciting options in the pages ahead. Planning on sitting the winter out and watching some sports?
Check out the latest reports or charter for your region. Register free for the Fin Forum to join your fellow sportsmen in fun and educational discussions. Also offering extensive marine weather forecasts and buoy data. Visit FinTalk.com
Well winter is here and unless you are a hardy soul that simply goes angling in winter or takes up ice angling then its time to start planning your next vacation.
Plan your next vacation. Click here for all you need to know with some great ideas on your next expedition.
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The Lure Makers Magazine The Lure Makers Magazine is a fishing lure makers resource guide. We are dedicated to providing free information related to the art, sport and business of lure making. Our products are free e-Books of lure making instruction, and unlimited development resources for small business and homespun lure makers. Dream it...Make it...Fish it...!
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An educational guide on making inexpensive and effective lures such as plugs, bugs, spoons, spinners and jigs for the do-it-yourself anglers. It also includes sinkers and leaders. You will find it useful the next time you sail away on your boats.
Make your own lures
