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last frontiers travel to top Alaska fishing LodgesAlaska's last frontiers travel destinations - Last frontiers international travel fishing trips

 Alaska fishing lodge on Alagnak River travel the last frontiers for Trophy Rainbows,char,grayling and Salmon Top Quality fishing guides offering a wilderness experiance.Last frontiers international travel Fishing lodge: world class fishing combined with the comforts of 8 private Wilderness lodge guest cabins make for a truly Spectacular fly fishing Trip.  5 Salmon species  totaling over 4 million  fish enter the river each summer to spawn, fly fishing for a healthy resident population of Rainbows, Char, Grayling and Lake trout round out this truly world-class fishery and are available all season.  The  modern Frontiers lodge is a wilderness marvel located in the heart of Katmai National Parks Wild & Scenic Alagnak River, 40 miles  NE of the town of King Salmon only accessible by floatplane charter.              Hot  fishing right at camp 24-7. 

    Our last frontiers travel Alaska fishing lodge accommodates 16 guest's comfortably with each 2-4 guests having their own private, carpeted, cabins . A Dining room ~  Recreation area with stereo/tv-dvd and a satellite phone. Fulltime hot showers and flush toilets highlight the Alaska fishing lodge. 160 acres and 3800ft of private riverfront on the Wild & alaska Fly fishing lodge Award for offering Exceptional Fly fishing Trips for the past 20 yearsScenic Alagnak River lets you experience the true Alaska fishing lodge atmosphere without the crowds. Our nearest neighboring Alaska fishing lodge is over 30 river miles away, and with no float plane access for other Alaska fishing lodges. We don't compete for  fishing water  which makes for a true Wilderness fishing Experience.Alaska Fishing Lodge for wild leopard Rainbow Trout on the Alagnak River Tr

     We have 5 & 7 day trips at our Alaska fishing lodge offering Alaska fishing  and wilderness raft trips. You will explore and fish over 500 miles of river tributaries and braids that offer some  of  the healthiest resident populations of Leopard Rainbow trout, Arctic Char and Grayling found anywhere in Alaska.  

 last frontiers international travel Alaska Prices  

$4900pp 7day Alaska  fishing lodge trip with 1 overnight Raft trip or fly out spike camp. Sun- Sun ~~ Deluxe            $4500pp 7day Alaska fishing  lodge trip Sun Sun, ~~Standard                                                                    $4000pp  5 day Alaska Fishing lodge trip Sun-Fri~~Get away                                                                             $2900pp 7day Alaska fly fishing float trip Sun-Sat~~ Drifter

A.T.A  Alaska last frontiers international  Fishing Lodge Deposit Amount:
To initiate a reservation at ATA Lodge a 50% deposit of the package price per person is required. Final payments are due June 1st. Reservations are only confirmed when deposits are received.

Included in Alaska's last frontiers international travel to  Alaska :

  • Transfer from King salmon airport to Branch River Air for charter .
  • Private room accommodations (2 -4 persons to a cabin)
  • Alaskan Gourmet meals
  • Complimentary wine with diner
  • Fully stocked fly tying area
  • Alaska Sauna
  • 8 hours fully guided fishing  on the water daily
  • Nightly fly casting clinics or fly tying seminars
  • six custom  jetboats with Yamaha motors 

Not included in Alaska's frontiers travel fishing Lodge package:
Airfare to King Salmon, Alaska; BRA-Air charter to camp $150, staff gratuities 10-15%; king salmon stamp $50; fishing license$35, items purchased at the lodge; overnight stays and/or meals in Anchorage (if necessary)

Alaska fishing Lodge Season:
June 8th through September 15th

Capacity of our last frontiers international travel lodge:
The lodge can accommodate 16 guests

Accommodations at A.T.A  Alaska's last frontiers travel Lodge:
A.T.A Lodge is on the scenic Alagnak river in Katmai National Park in the heart of the world famous and exquisite Bristol Bay region of Southwest Alaska. This modern facility is an ideal site for small corporate meetings, business entertaining, or the highlight of any Alaskan vacation. The well-traveled angler will recognize the extras that make a stay at ATA Lodge a trip of a lifetime. Easy access, modern facilities and unsurpassed trophy fishing make us the classic Alaska  lodge and new guest cabins at our Alaska fishing lodge on the Alagnak riverOutcamp experience. Sauna,  sumptuous dining, a comfortable lounge and recreation area are added features of ATA. A large deck surrounding the facility is just steps from the dock,  and boats. Large bay windows frame views of the Alagnak River valley and the beautiful mountains beyond. This is a rugged immense land of startling beauty - a great place to just step out of everyday pressures and relax. At the end of the day each 2 guest retire to there own private room.  You will sleep on a real bed (not a foam pad ); your window looks out over the River and the bathroom is just a few steps away. For couples, ATA will be  featuring a new special couples suit.  .

Dining Out at our Alaska last frontiers international  travel lodge on the Alagnak River               
We take this phrase to a whole new level.  Casual attire is appropriate as the standard dress code is polar fleece or jeans with your favorite head-wear. The resident Chef, is a culinary magician her resume reads like a who's who in world wide fine dining in the bush.  Our
 Appetizers before dinner compliment the menu that includes fresh steaks, grilled halibut, baked Salmon, Grilled lemon pepper chicken, Italian or Mexican  night and my favorite Barbequed baby back ribs with alfredo & vegetable. 

    Most meals are served family style with all you can eat being a standard table fare. Our breakfast include  wild blueberry pancakes, 3 egg ham-Cheese Omelets, French toast, hot biscuits and gravy or fried eggs- bagels and bacon or sausage.  We always have Cold cereal fresh fruit/bagels and lots of hot coffee & cold juices  if you prefer a light  breakfast.  It is amazing what mouth-watering surprises come forth from this humble kitchen in the bush. Acclaimed restaurants in cities around the world would be envious of our fresh grilled salmon and halibut diners.  And don't forget our home made bush desserts that include cherry or blueberry cheesecake, and new for 2004 death by chocolate and my favorite hot fudge sundae.      Shore lunches are highly recommended by your guide during the week. Or if you prefer  the old standby packed lunch.  In Short no one goes hungry and most guest's put on weight during the week

Last frontiers Travel  Alaska fishing Lodge  Program:
The goal at Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge is to take advantage of the many fishing opportunities for the various species while they are in their prime seasonal runs. To accomplish this, each day you will be jet boated  out to one of our 3 rivers accessible from the lodge, depending on the species that you are interested in. Each evening,  Lodge staff will confer with you to see what kind of experience you are up for. The guides will then get the necessary gear put together in the tackle room. The next morning, after breakfast, you'll board one of our jetboats and head out with your guide (or to a spike camp with a guide waiting) to one of the 3 world class, and in some cases world famous, rivers and streams of this region. Relax and enjoy yourself at our top Alaska fishing Lodge on the Alagnak river
Depending on the location we will travel by jet boats to take you up and down the river to fish from or get you to different gravel bars for wading. Because of a short growing season, all native species must be released, no exceptions. With the advent of reproduction mounting techniques, there is no reason to keep trophy fish. If you are interested in taking back some salmon, your guide will fillet or steak them, and pack them in suitable portions and freeze them. Upon your departure your catch will be put into an airline-approved waxed fish box for the trip home.  We understands you come up here to fish, so on those nasty weather days we still fish (because of our location we are usually within a 10 minute boat ride to awesome trout and salmon fisheries close to the lodge so we can come back for lunch if you prefer. Whether you have been to Alaska twenty times or this is your first time, The Alagnak River will be an unforgettable experience of great fishing, unsurpassed comfort and most importantly - FUN!

Non-Fishing Activities at last frontiers travel fishing Lodge:
For the non-fishing companion, probablyWaterfront cabins and river view offer our guest's a 1st class alaska fishing lodge experiance. the highlight of any Alaskan trip is to view the bears. Your guide can drive you to Kukaklek Falls in the Katmai National Park for the day it's a spectacular sight. Optional glacier flight seeing tours can be arranged  or a flight to Brookes falls viewing platforms that connect the falls to the lake along the famous Brooks River. The best time for viewing at the falls is July through early August during the Sockeye Salmon run. There are many bears along the river clear into September, which happens to be the time for excellent Rainbow Trout fishing as well., A.T.A offers daily combination rafting & photography trips if you want a relaxing day floating down the river viewing Bears,  Moose, Eagles and nesting Osprey along the river also we have a horseshoe pit and a sauna.

Alagnak Lodge River access  includes 3 of the top Rainbow Trout rivers in Katmai Park The Alagnak, Kukaklek and Nonvianuk river and lake systems. Our main lodge is located 6 mile downstream from the confluence of the three rivers this gives us excellent access without having to do fly-outs as we specialize in daily Jet boat fishing . Many days we are fishing within site of the main lodge as this area of the upper Braids holds World class Rainbows all season. With the addition of our new Inboard jet boat we can offer daily and overnight trips to Kukaklek or Nonvianuk  lake outlets and local tributaries to include Little Kukaklek-Morraine Creek and Battle River the same rivers the $6500 a week fly-out lodges are fishing except your paying $4900 a week for our deluxe package.


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ATA Practices strict catch & release for all Trout-Char-Grayling

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