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Click here to meet the superstars of Arctic Blast 2001

Is the everyday life of a human being not all it's cracked up to be? Wanna run with the big dawgz? 

It's a dog's life in a Husky World

Meet this years Arctic Blast 2001 superstars in the kennel and maybe even adopt a furry friend.

What is a Polar Husky? If you take all the northern husky dog breeds -- like Malamute, Greenlandic Husky, Siberian, Alaskan, Mackenzie River, Canadian Eskimo -- mix them together, stir in a few huskies from the South Pole and you have a Polar Husky.
They come in all sizes and colors. Some are almost 6 ft standing on their hind legs, others much smaller. They can be black, white, red, grey, brown, it does not matter. What matter is that they LOVE to pull a sled, that they have double-layered coats and strong spirits.

Got more questions on the Polar Huskies; who they are and how they live??

Tour the Polar Husky World

The most often asked question is without doubt "What do the dogs eat out there"?

They eat a specially formulated dogfood called  "Endurance" which is made by Hill's Science Diet specifically for these expeditions.  Science Diet has been developing this particular food since Will Steger's  North Pole Expedition in 1986. Each chunk (about 1.5 pounds) is "super charged" with protein, fat and other nutritious ingredients giving the dogs between 4500 and 6000 calories a day. The special formula is what makes our 2,500 mile journey possible. Without the Endurance food, our dogs would loose weight and energy throughout the expedition. Instead, they actually gain weight. The dogs love it!

Hill's Science Diet dog Food -- Official Dog Food Sponsor

Hill's Science Diet
The Official Dog Food Sponsor of Arctic Blast 2001

Hey...Who let the dogs out?

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© Photos copyright by
Gordon Wiltsie, Paul Pregont, Henrik Larsen


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