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Allah Verdi Khan bridge by markop 
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Namutoni Gate
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What a marvelous city Madrid is!
She may lack the magnificent monuments of other European capitals but for me the city held a real old world appeal with a lively atmosphere to be found at any time of the day or night.

Call me a romantic but I just loved wandering through the narrow streets that were perfect to lose yourself in, soaking up the history. You could almost hear the echoes of another time, just imagine horses hooves clopping while drawing their carriages, gentlemen challenging their opposition to a due... read more report on Madrid, Spain
report on Madrid, Spain

Report of the month November 2006 by downundergal 
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picture just off the beaten path picture wish I was in that boat!!! picture result of Lightning fire picture extinguish all cigarettes and campfires
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picture Paro and Taktshang Monastery. picture Paro and Taktshang Monastery. picture Paro and Taktshang Monastery. picture Paro and Taktshang Monastery.
Paro and Taktshang Monastery. by  frenchfrog   
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