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Boats-fishing and boats-sailing - all you need to know

What do you need to know about YOUR Boats-fishing or sailing?

So where do you start? Whether it is boats-fishing or sailing, there is a lot to know. I get asked a lot about what is wrong and how to fix it.

What do you need to know? Choose any of the topics from the navigation bar. From trailerboats to lightning, from batteries to trolling motors, electronics to engines, you will find it here. Load of useful and practical information

I am also a boat owner, I have built, lived aboard and cruised several sailing yachts and cruised extensively, and I have owned motorboats and spent great days and vacations fishing.

Do you have problems? I did and still do, in fact the chances are that your problems are the same ones that I have had on my own boats, or repaired on others.

Learn from my experiences, and get some real practical solutions to your problems. From boats-fishing to boats-sailing, I hope you will find the answers here!

My name is JOHN C PAYNE, and many of you may have one of my books. I am not an armchair expert! But I am a qualified and practicing marine electrical and electronics engineer, consultant and marine surveyor. I do this for a living.

For years I had a marine electrical and electronics business, and have seen and probably repaired most problems you will ever find. If you want expert and unbiased advice, this is the place you will find it. I know what can happen out there. If I can stop you suffering any major failures, then it has been worth the effort.

Marine electronics and electrical problems are not an inevitable part of boating, fishing and cruising, and reliability is possible. From boats-fishing to boats-sailing, I hope you will find the answers here!

I believe in the keep-it-simple (KISS) approach to electrical and electronics systems. Boating, fishing and sailing should be fun, don’t let problems spoil your boats-fishing and sailing vacation.

So what is your problem? If you know the problem then we are halfway towards finding you the solution

- Battery charging problems – keep the power on

- Lightning protection – stay safe in summer storms

- Boat trailer wiring – keep the highway patrol away from you

- Fishfinders – find where the fish are hiding

- Trolling motors – sneak up on those fish

- Lighting systems – brighten up your life!

- Boat wiring – how to make sure your systems stay operational

- Inverters – and how to keep AC power flowing on your boat

- GPS – how to get the most out of your position fixing systems

- Engines – make sure you start your engine every time

- Interference – what causes that annoying noise and how to fix it

- And anything else on board your boat........Why not choose from one of my many books to help you fix your problems

Please subscribe to my Monthly newsletter It will tell you each month about new information and including the latest marine news, new products and a lot more. From boats-fishing to boats-sailing, I hope you will find the answers here!

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Why not visit my other sites

Boating Education Online - The Marine Electrical and Electronics School The Marine Electrical School at Boating-Education-Online offers a range of online e-Learning Courses available over the Internet using the worlds leading e-learning system. We offer complete Marine Electrical and Electronics courses, as well as single subject modules which are specifically designed to suit a wide range of people wanting to acquire or enhance their technical skills in boats-fishing and sailing. If you also want to start a new career then the Boating-Education-Online site is is a very good place to start

Home Appliances and Kitchen Aids Home-appliance repair, money saving self-help advice for kitchen-appliances, washing-machines, dishwashers, cookers, ovens, refrigerators. How to check and troubleshoot before calling the serviceman

Hobby, Crafts, Models and Collectibles All about hobbies, crafts and models, and all about collectibles and all those other great pastimes from radio controlled cars, model ships and model trains to stamp collecting and metal detecting.

Pet-finder-and-pet-products Useful information on buying and looking after your pets, cats and dogs. This site also covers rodents, reptiles, goats, horses, fish, birds, farm animals, insects and other exotic pets. All you need to know about pet animals.

Arts-and-crafts and Gifts Practical information on getting started with arts-and-crafts and handicrafts from painting to pottery and all about unique-gifts from around the world and gift-ideas for all occasions

Camping, Hiking and RV-camping Information Go camping, hiking, RV-camping. Practical information and resources for camping-trips in Europe, USA, Australia and elsewhere, plus equipment and hiking-gear. All you need to know before you set out and before you buy.

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