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   Is it flu or malaria? New disease test has answer
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A new diagnostic tool called a gene chip can tell with a single test if a patient has malaria, Ebola, influenza or a bacterial infection, researchers said on ...

First-time mothers at risk of mental illness, study finds
CHICAGO (Reuters) - First-time mothers are at increased risk for mental disorders while fathers do not share that risk, Danish researchers said on Tuesday.

Genetic testing may help predict excess bleeding
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Patients taking a common drug to prevent blood clots to reduce heart attack and stroke risk now rely on a doctor's determination that they will not suffer excessive ...

New health-record plan puts patient in charge
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Five big U.S. employers launched a computerized health record system for employees on Wednesday that they hope will help set a standard for America's messy health ...

Protein could be potential target for new flu drug
LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists said on Wednesday they have identified a weakness in a protein in influenza viruses which could be targeted by new drugs to halt the spread of infection.

Novartis anti-leukemia drug works for 5 years, study says
BOSTON (Reuters) - Swiss drugmaker Novartis AG's cancer-fighting drug Gleevec can still help treat chronic myeloid leukemia even after five years of use, a new study showed on Wednesday.

Lawmakers push for better treatment of addiction
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Patrick Kennedy and Jim Ramstad, lawmakers who are public about their struggle with addiction, placed their strange-bedfellow friendship in the cause of better ...

No change in heart disease risk in U.S.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD) among U.S. adults did not changed much during roughly the last decade, report researchers from the ...

Merck cervical cancer vaccine approved in Europe
LONDON (Reuters) - Merck & Co Inc's Gardasil, the first vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, has been approved for sale in the Europe Union, the joint venture that will market the ...

Low birthweight tied to high BP in adulthood
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - New research hints that the lower the birthweight, the higher the blood pressure as an adult -- and the link becomes stronger with age.

Wal-Mart Stores offers $4 generic drugs in Florida
TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, said on Thursday it would cut the prices of nearly 300 generic drugs to $4 per prescription starting in ...

Armani blames stylists, media for ultra-thin chic
LONDON (Reuters) - Giorgio Armani, the world's most famous designer, on Thursday blamed stylists and the media for the fashion industry's obsession with ultra-thin women.

Health body urges routine AIDS testing for all
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government recommended near-universal testing for the AIDS virus on Thursday, saying too many people are missed by the current practice of focusing on ...

Emergency docs spell out when to visit the ER
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Having difficulty breathing? Sudden pain? Sudden changes in vision? Get to the emergency department, advises the American College of Emergency Physicians.

E. coli outbreak mystifies investigators
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. food safety regulators said on Thursday they were still mystified by an outbreak of E. coli that has killed one person, sickened 157 and forced all fresh ...

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