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Here is a little summary of all the great benefits you get at

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To your health and wellness,

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New Herbalife Products

Best Defenseâ„¢

An effervescent drink¹ that boosts your immunity.*
Formula 1 Instant Nutritional Shake Mix

A nutritious shake for weight management–on the go!
Garden 7

7 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables in one supplement.

Top Selling Herbalife Products

ShapeWorks Advanced

Healthy weight loss with enhancers.
ShapeWorks Ultimate

Maximum weight-loss support with extra enhancers and protein snacks.
Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix - Large

A nutritious shake for good health and weight management.
Formula 3 Personalized Protein Powder

A proprietary blend of whey and soy protein.
New & Improved Total Control®

A powerful herbal enhancer for more effective weight loss.*
Herbal Concentrate Tea - 3.5 oz

An uplifting drink for vitality and weight management

A supplement to help reduce fluid accumulation in the body.*
New! Cell Activator

For improved nutrient absorption and energy production.*
Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex

A daily multivitamin for long-term good health.*
New! Liftoff™

Fizz. Focus. Fuel Good!™
Schizandra Plus

An advanced formula for antioxidant protection.*

An antioxidant booster for superior antioxidant defense.*
Ultimate Prostate Formula

A nutritional supplement for prostate health.*
Woman's Choice

A phytoestrogen supplement for perimenopause support.*

Weight Management
All of Herbalife's top notch weight management programs. They are not just for losing weight, but staying fit too.


Outer Nutrition
Herbalife's complete secltion of hair body and skin essentials, including their newest line of Nourifusion products.


Targeted Nurition
Products to keep your mind and body in the best shape of your life. Including Mens and women's solutions, stress management, heart health, digestive health, and much much more.