Please Note:
Debit/Credit card
transactions will appear on your statement as One For
To start the secure
e-commerce online ordering procedure simply use the
navigation bar down the left hand side of each page to find
the products you require.
On each page you will then
find buttons that look as follows:

click the button that corresponds to the product and
quantity that you require to add it to your "shopping basket". Please
note you can also select various quantities of some
products using a drop down list before you add the item to
your basket. Each time you add an item you will be
shown a list of what you have added to your basket so
far. If you would like to continue shopping simply click
the "continue shopping" button and you will be retuned to
the product page of the last item you added to your
basket. If at any time, you have forgot which items you
have so far ordered, simply click on a "Basket" button
which can be found along the top of each page. The
"Basket" button looks as follows:

If you wish
to de-select an item from your basket then simply set its
quantity to zero and either press the return key, or click
the "recalculate" button. If each time you click the
"continue shopping" button, you can then go from
page to page adding different products to the same
shopping basket. when you have selected all your
products, you will need to select a delivery option from
the list provided. You can then click the "Go to
Payments" button and proceed to the next stage.
You will
then be asked to fill in your Purchase and Delivery
details. Please note that your purchase name and
address must match those held by your bank. Payment
will be declined and your order delayed if these do not
match those of the registered card holder. These are
the the name and address on your card statement.
Once you have entered these click continue, please then
check all details are correct before clicking continue again.
You will
then be transferred to a secure server where you will be
asked to fill in your payment details.
security of this area is indicated by the presence of this
at the bottom of the browser window.
If your given e-mail
address is correct, you will receive an automatic
confirmation of your order, which contains an order
number to quote in the unlikely event of a problem. You
may also wish to make a note of your order number on
completion of your order.
If you have
any questions about ordering online please contact a
member of our customer care team by clicking