The Wayback Machine -
We specialize in web site design and redesign; web site consulting, search engine optimization and promotion services; music for your web site; creating banners and buttons for your web site; free tools for your webmasters and resources.

Free Music for Your Web Site

Please Read Before Continuing

Please DO NOT link to the songs from this web site. It takes bandwidth away from this site and that is not a good thing.

Below are 20 FREE sounds and songs for you to add to your website.

Become a Member of

Because of the high cost of maintaining this web site, the bandwidth etc., we have begun our membership drive to help pay for this service. To access the 80 plus more sounds and music, please click the Pay Pay button and pay the $5.00 fee to begin. We would really appreciate it. We will be adding more sounds and music throughout the year to this section so please check back often.

You will be sent a username and password to access this area once payment has been confirmed. Once you become a member, you can visit as often as you wish. When you come back for more songs and sounds, as a member, you can access this area at any time by entering your Username and Password on the left hand side on any page. If you are not a member, let's get started.

For $5.00, you will be helping us maintain this site, as well as, having access to royalty free music and sounds for your web site. Come back as often as you wish.

Click on a music button. Right Click and 'Save Target As'. Depending on your browser, and what you have as a default player, an applet window will pop up, or your player will pop up. Save to location in the applet, unless you want to save to a floppy disk, or if your player comes up, save the song to where you want it to be. I store all my WAVS on floppy so you might want to do this also. If you would like us to notify you of new additions, click the notify me button and fill out the info.

20 FREE Songs and music for your web site.

Solid Bass Sunrise 15 secs.
Light Jazz Rain 28 secs.
Piano Irish
Sounds Oriental
Sounds Contemporary
Funky New Age
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Space Goofy Fun
Italian Romance Variations

Just click here for the info in adding music to your web site

Just click here and we can help you add the music.

Some Suggestions

Listen to all the songs and pick the one or ones you like and then upload them to your site. I recommend the 30 to 60 second songs to pages that have alot for the visitor to read, and the smaller ones, the 6 to 30 second sounds and songs on pages with lots of graphics, or, on a page you just want to introduce like a hello. You be the judge. Have a great time and come back as often as you wish. You don't have to download all of them right away. Change the song or sound often.

Click on one of the buttons above to go to the different timed sounds and song wavs page. Remember, when you have alot of images on your page, use a to 12 second compressed wav sound or song. A lot of text, maybe a 30 to 60 second wav.

You can also help by placing a link on your site to for using the music. The button and text link is below.

88x31 Button
Text Link

How would you like to have all 100 sound and music clips on this web site for your music library? With this offer, you can! As a matter of fact, we are adding 80 more sound and music clips. That makes 180 sound and music clips for your library.

Original compositions by Burton V. Foreman.

Some Fun Now!!

Before you go though, check this out. This is for all you webmasters out there!People who build web sites, or Webmasters, have a tendency to spend too much time at the PC. We don't have too much of a social life because we, I guess you might say, are on a mission. One day, I was just plain tuckered out, and my muscles and joints were killing me because I had been pulling an all day and nighter. So I wrote this song for myself and all you folks out there who love to work on web sites, but, don't get to much exercise. When you are ready, click on the stopwatch, let it download, stand up at the pc and get ready to exercise! It's only ....94 seconds long!

The Webmaster Workout

Written and © copyrighted by Keith Ballentine


P l e a s e   h e l p   k e e p   t h i s   s i t e   f r e e.  
Y o u   m a y   d o n a t e   a n y t h i n g   y o u   w i s h.
I f   y o u   l i k e   w h a t   y o u   s e e ,  p l e a s e   h e l p.  T h a n k   y o u .