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Opheltes Opheltes was the son of the Nemean king Lycurgus and his wife Eurydice. His nurse Hypsipyle left him in the grass when she showed the army marching against Thebes the way to a spring.
Tammatuyuq In the beliefs and traditions of the Inuit of Hudson Bay (Canada), the Tammatuyuq is a monster that kills infants. It pretends to assist a mother with her baby and then quickly runs off ...
Fsti Capcaki A giant in Seminole myths, also called Tall Man. He is covered in gray hair and smells like a stagnant muddy pond. His weapon is a club which he makes by breaking off the limbs of trees ...
Ikuutayuuq A terrifying monster in the traditions and beliefs of the Inuit of eastern Hudson Bay (Canada). He and his brother kill their victims by pinning them down on their backs and drilling into ...
Tsetse The goddess of lightning in the beliefs of the Bushongo of Congo and Zaire. She caused so much trouble on earth that she was sent back to the sky. However, she occasionally returns to the ...
Umm s-Subyan An Arabian goddess of death who causes infants to die, particularly those who go to bed without brushing their teeth.
Usiququmadevu In Zulu beliefs, a monstrous deity, bearded and humpbacked, who devours children. One day she came upon the children of a local chief. They were unguarded and Usiququmadevu quickly ...
urmahlullû 'Lion-man.' A hybrid creature, a lion-centaur, with the upper body and arms and hands of a man, and the lower body of a lion. He often wears the so-called 'horned cap of divinity,' ...
Achimi The son of the Itherther and Thamuatz, the first living creatures on the earth. He was a wild and adventurous animal and left his parents. He came upon a village that was built by the first ...
Thamuatz In the mythology of the Kabyls of Algeria, Itherther, a buffalo, and Thamuatz, a buffalo cow, were the first living beings on earth. They emerged from Tlam, a dark place under earth. Their ...
Ntoa 'Fertile Earth.' In Akan belief, the female aspect of an anthropomorphic deity that is associated with the planet Venus. Ntoa connected with death and resurrection.
Nomkubulwana 'Princess of Heaven.' A Zulu sky-goddess. It is believed that she appears to a chosen follower as a young maiden dressed in white, telling him or her a prophecy that must be kept secret.
Nejma A healing spirit in Moroccan folklore. She is the chief of the healing spirits that inhabit the grotto of d'El Maqta.
Nebele The Sonjo creator-goddess. She was created by her brother Naka. Nebele created all things except human beings. Her brother was jealous of many accomplishments and told her that she was but ...
Naka A creator-deity of the Sonjo people of Tanzania. He created his sister, Nebele, but he was jealous of her accomplishments and said she was but a woman and therefor his property. He ...
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