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adkins diet
Diet Types
Vitamins and Mineral Guide
Adkins Diet Atkins Diet
Blood Type Diet Blood Type Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet Cabbage Soup Diet
Grapefruit Grapefruit Diet
SlimFast Diet Slim Fast
Weight Watchers Weight Watchers
Subway Diet Subway Diet
Hollywood Diet Hollywood Diet
Hay Diet Hay Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet Mayo Clinic Diet
Scarsdale Diet Scarsdale Diet
Sugar Busters Sugar Busters
Protein Power Protein Power
Zone Diet Zone Diet
Beverly Hills Diet Beverly Hills Diet
Sommersizing Suzanne Somers
Fit for Life Fit For Life
Pritikin Diet Pritikin
South Beach Diet South Beach Diet
Hip and Thigh Diet Hip and Thigh Diet
Basics of Nutrition Basics of Nutrition
Proteins Proteins
Fats Fats
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and Minerals


Vitamins and Minerals
These are important for a wide range of bodily functions and if you have a varied diet from all the major food groups you are unlikely to suffer from any deficiency as only minute amounts are needed. However many popular fad diets are nutritionally unbalanced and you may need to take supplements to get the recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin A
Recommended Daily Allowance : 0.7mg
Optimal Daily Amount : 1-1.5mg
Upper Recommended Limit : 1.5mg
Sources : Liver, cheese, eggs, oily fish and milk
Why we need it : Important for vision, skin, growth immune system and reproductive ability. It can help prevent cancer.
Deficiency signs : Mouth ulcers, poor night vision, acne, frequent colds, flaky skin and dandruff
Risk of high doses : Can increase the risk of bone fracture and damage unborn babies, but you need to take more than 5g per day

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Recommended Daily Allowance : 1.4mg
Optimal Daily Amount : 10-50mg
Upper Recommended Limit : 100mg
Sources : Pork, vegetables, milk, cheese, peas and dried fruit.
Why we need it : Essential for energy production, brain function and digestion.
Deficiency signs : Tender muscles, irritability, poor concentration, poor memory and tingling hands.
Risk of high doses : None

Vitamin B2
Recommended Daily Allowance : 1.3mg
Optimal Daily Amount : 2-25mg
Upper Recommended Limit : 40mg
Sources : Cereals, Mushrooms
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin B3
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin B5
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin B6
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin B12
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin C
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin D
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin E
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Folic Acid
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Vitamin K
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses

Salt (Sodium Chloride)
Recommended Daily Allowance
Optimal Daily Amount
Upper Recommended Limit
Why we need it?
Deficiency signs
Risk of high doses


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