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Personalized Birthday Gifts from More4Kids

Personalized Gift Ideas for Birthday

While all our personalized gifts make great birthday gifts, here are a few items just for birthdays or with birthdays in mind.

© Create-a-book

© Best

What a great way to celebrate this special day! With all the possible wishes, it's better being yourself than wishing to be somebody else.

A birthday version is available when ordering this book! It's a thrilling trip to the circus as you rescue a baby chimpanzee and become the star of the show.

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Our Personalized childrens books include your Childs name, friends, age and more, all woven throughout each story.


& © Marvel Characters

The last song on this CD album is a special birthday song. This Album will have even the parents singing and clapping when you play it at home or in the car. Learning your ABC's and counting could not be more fun!

Songs included on this album are "Make a Wish", "Birthdays around the World", "Sweet Birthday Dreams", "Your Special Day" and "The Great Birthday Surprise". Child's name is sung 35 time.

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View our collection of Personalized Books

View our collection of Personalized Music

How to Plan THE BEST Birthday Party

By Karen Sibal

So what’s a parent to do? If you decide to have THE party, how do you ensure it’s THE BEST party ever – one that’s a great hit with the kids and not a great hit on your wallet – while keeping your sanity in tact. Here’s a handy party planner that will help make the big celebration fun, original, memorable, affordable, and stress-free.

 General Considerations


Select a date and time that’s most convenient to you and the guests. When choosing the date, think about when your guests will be most likely to come. Check the calendar for important events or holidays that may come into conflict.

Timing is everything. Examine your child’s needs – for example, if you’ve got a toddler, it’s probably a good idea to schedule the party around afternoon nap times: late mornings can be the perfect time.  Also think about the time the party will finish. This will depend on how long you think the children can go without getting fussy. As a general guideline, for young children, 1 ½ or 2 hours is probably adequate.

Guest List

How many kids do you invite? The general rule of thumb is to invite the number of guests for every year of your child’s age, for example, if your child is turning five, invite five guests. However, if you and your child feel comfortable having more (or less), that’s ok too. 

Are you extending invitations to parents, or would you prefer they drop off their child for the party and pick them up later? If you’re having very young guests, parents will likely stay for the duration of the party.


How much do you want to spend on the big celebration? How much can you afford? Determining your budget is crucial at the start of your party planning. As you work your way through this party planner and BEFORE you spend any money, make a list of the things you will need and estimate how much they will cost. A little planning will ensure your party stays on track of what you can actually afford.

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Newborn Gift Idea

© Best


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