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WebCounter News

We have completed new servers upgrade - 08/30/2006

Things should be noticeably faster now. Faster load times for web counters. The new servers have increased capacity and speed.

High volume hit counters removed from Top 10 lists - 06/16/2003

Free Counters that are over 1000 hits/day will no longer be listed on stats pages. This will remove the incentive for many of the people who are abusing free counters by racking up high counts by inappropriate means.

Abusive free counters purged - 06/12/2003

Recently we have been plagued by extremely hi-volume free counters. The free counters are provided as a free service to sites receiving fewer than 1000 hits/day and all we ask in return is proper credit as required by the acceptable use policy. Commercial Counters are available for sites with a higher hit rate.

We have disabled free-counters to those who are in gross violation of the terms of this policy.

Free counters MUST display a webcounter thumbnail and
have a link to

If you are using one of our free visitors hit counters all that we ask of you is that you put a thumbnail and link on your page. If you do not want to do this, please move to one of our commercial counters. We have begun contacting free counter users that do not seem to have a link and thumbnail on their page asking that this be corrected. Please understand if you are a high volume counter we would appreciate your financial support of this service.

Plus Services Online

Our new WebCounters Plus Services are online providing guaranteed reliability and 24/hr real-time access.

Request for Back Links

If you are using our free counter services, we ask you to credit the WebCounter system somewhere on your home-page by using its name and/or logo and with an HTML link to the following URL.
This is all we are asking for our free counting services. For more information, please see our Thumbnail Page.


The WebCounter system can be used by anyone on the Net to maintain a count of the number of people who have accessed your site. It makes use of the gif-manipulating GD library written by Tom Boutell. Thanks Tom. Please do not bother Tom with any messages about the WebCounter system -- he is not involved in the project. Use the addresses on the Feedback Page for assistance.

The system employs specialized threaded servers which have been written for the task. The system consists of three separate servers which take care of HTTP requests, database manipulations, and real-time image generation. The servers are completely processor and network I/O bound and are able to handle at least 70 requests per second on a 60Mhz BSD/OS Pentium running BSD/OS while incurring no disk overhead.

Net Censorship

Anti-Censorship Blue Ribbon Why are we displaying this ribbon? Because our Congress and President have taken a step backwards towards censorship of Constitutionally protected information.

SafeSurf Coding of Our Web Pages

SafeSurf Logo We are very opposed to governmental control over digital speech. However, this does not mean that we condone unrestricted access by minors to pornography and other adult subject. Therefore, we have coded all of our pages with the SafeSurf coding. This protocol can give parents some measure of control over the material their children can access. We encourage everyone to read the SafeSurf Rating System and to use it on their pages.

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