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PakistaniMaritime eGroup.

eGroup for seamen and mariners serving in Merchant Shipping, Pakistan Shipping and International Shipping Companies.

A specialized profession, as the merchant navy is, requires lot of exchange of views. There may be professional exchange of Information or just a word from a member for the attention of the others and for their benefit.

Mariners are among themselves a community from what ever part of world they may belong. They share very similar problems and experiences thus making this group a home forum for all connected to sea or international shipping.

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This group is mainly for the Pakistani merchant mariners and every thing concerning them in any aspect. Forums for Pakistani mariners are almost non-existent. There is no platform for the people working onboard merchant vessels where they could express their concerns and indulge in discussions regarding mutual interests from help in studies to queries about job availability. They could share experiences and seek help and motivation from fellow seamen.

It solely set up for your benefit only. Your participation and interest may help you in your quest and build in you a sense of community that we all, the merchant ship sailors, lack and miss so much.

This group may be of use for merchant navy employees in discussing:

  • Employment information and prospects. They may learn from the experience of others how a particular shipping company may be reached and how to go about it. The addresses of companies and the word of mouth about them. The pros and cons of employment and the reputation of the employer.

  • It can come up as a resource for the fellow mariners preparing for professional examinations. Information about nautical colleges and institutes and the expected expanses. The standard of studies and the guidance provided. Exchange of study material and useful tips.

  • Exchange of information of professional nature, about navigation, cargo or the ever changing maritime law and requirements of the flag and port states.

  • Share incidents that mariners come across when sailing. Experiences at ports - good, bad and interesting.

  • Humor at sea - there is for sure a lot with you fellows to share and make public.The world famous sailor's stories; at least for the interest of the people who have never sailed and visited the globe the way you have. A mariner’s life is full of stories that he may love to share - motivational, incidental and accidental! Give your accounts for the ones who are leaping forward to enter the ships crew list and climb up the gangway.

  • Your ideas and dreams - there has to be a dream to come true. Some one may be able to show you how you should step forward to full fill your ambitions.

  • Guidance for the new comers and the ones who are interested in joining merchant navy. They will remain thankful to you for the information on misconceptions that you may straighten out.

The list may never end.

The main idea is to help one another.

If only one person gets benefited due to the presence of the network it will be worth the effort.

There is no profit or business interest behind setting up of this group. It is part of an initiative, the network, to provide an online resource where one could express one's interests and help one another. 

Please note that 'PakistaniMariner eGroup' is related to all dimensions of Maritime and Shipping matters concerning or related to merchant mariners and Pakistani mariners.

All posts are welcome provided they are in any way concerning merchant navy or in a broader sense to the sea and shipping. 

Unrelated and political topics will always be deleted from the group activities.

"PakistaniMariner eGroup" is not a moderated list. A member can post in real time.

Group reserves the right to delete messages against group policies or nature of subject (i.e., out of trade topics etc.). The group, however, cannot be held responsible for posts appearing on its pages.

It is up to the visitors and group members to verify information contained in a message posted by another member.

In the end, all of this is about helping and guiding one another without any monitory gains and interests. Please keep your submissions polite and simple for the readers.

Your interest is the only factor that may bring a change, in the shipping circles, in the Pakistani mariners life by providing it a medium of expression.

Are you visible to the employer looking for a candidate having your qualifications and experience?

Do you have a Resume Website to keep you available to potential employers seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day while you are sailing ?

Be visible now, please visit our Free Maritime Resume Web Sites Development and Hosting for Maritime Shipping Employees page. It will certainly increase your 'visibility' in terms of career development.

Maritime related business concerns please visit eGroup for Merchant Shipping Business [PakistaniMaritime eGroup].


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