Dreams are our business.
Our expert design and modification services can custom design your new home. Or, we can modify your first-choice home plan to become your dream home plan.
SAVE $100 on your modification or custom design project now through June 30, 2007.*Minimum $800 project. Not valid with any other offer. Mention when you call us.
You tell us what you’d like in your dream home and we’ll put those dreams on paper, starting from scratch or a pre-drawn blueprint. Bring us your scrap paper, Post-It™ notes or dinner napkins, and we’ll deliver your dream!
The average cost to customize a plan is typically less than 1 percent of building costs (compare this to the national average of 7 percent of building costs). This translates to an average modification cost of $800 to $1,500, in addition to the cost of the reproducible blueprint.
Find out more on how to get your FREE CUSTOMIZATION ESTIMATE, on the cost to customize your home plans.
Take advantage of our services:
Customize any of Homeplans.com's 10,000+ home plans FREE cost estimates on the cost to make revisions to your home plans provided within five business days One-on-one design consultations Original custom designs available Custom kitchen and bath design Barrier Free Conversion Overflow production drafting services available We're professionals. We provide modification services so that you can customize your new home plan to fit your budget and lifestyle.
Want to learn more? Click on the links below or call (888) 266-3439.
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Many exterior features can Be modified to create the Look and feel you like.
Modifications to interior floor Plans can add unique Features and floor space.View sample plan |