February 13th, 2007
I am a sucker for the amatuerness of YouTube like the rest of you million viewers per day. More so I’m a sucker for amazing human feats and I consider this amazing. Enjoy David “Finger” Haynes as he works a drum machine … live!
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January 19th, 2007
CrystalClearCDs.com has partnered with The Info Group for 2007 and looks to improve on their positioning for dvd replication and cd replication oriented search terms and explore all elements of online marketing.
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January 19th, 2007
The Info Group welcomes DialFinancial.com, providers of hard money loans in the Maryland, Virginia and District of Columbia, to the fold as we work together on a full organic optimization of their website.
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November 22nd, 2006
It’s is common knowledge an effective organic SEO campaign involves a linking strategy. Linking has become an intregal part of search engine optimization thanks to Google. They were the first engine to place a value on links that point to a website and reward those who establish credible links.
However, this part of their algorithm has also generated a number of unexpected results. For instance search the keyword chicken and you will find a site called Subservient Chicken in one of the top listings, why? Links pointing to the site alone. Try the keywords miserable failure and usually the first link is the White House website and in particular the page dedicated to The President.
Just for fun I thought I would include a few more, search Google for these terms.
- National Disgrace - Webpage of Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig
- Terrorist Sympathizer - Television personality Bill O’Reilly
- Waffles - John Kerry, former Presidential candiate
- swivel eyed loons - UK Independence Party Official website (UKIP)
While this post is a bit light hearted it does show the value of link building when optimizing a website.
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October 8th, 2006
AmericanFeast.com, a online sustainable food store, has chosen The Info Group to implement a organic search engine optimization campaign. Look for the site to be launched by 11/2006
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September 12th, 2006
We would like to welcome RentSmart, a Dallas and Houston apartment locating service, to our family of search engine marketing clients. RentSmart has retained The Info Group to improve their organic search visibility and also to manage their website operations. Let’s get moving up RentSmart.
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August 25th, 2006
We’ve seen first hand what a malicious minded person can do when a site we were running an SEO campaign for had their entire content hijacked. Luckily the web developers were able to shut the unwanted intruder down and regain control of the content. Today our blog had several attempted comment posts that were obviously the product of an automated bot. Again we had controls in place to not allow the comments to be live and the only discomfort was the time it took to delete them.
Internet security overall is under attack every minute of everyday and with websites playing a growing role in the everyday operation of business security is a risk that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Those attacks are usually associated with credit card theft or identity theft. Would it surprise you to know there are a staggering amount of SEO related attacks? One such way devious, black hat SEO types are trying to circumvent the system is through XSS attacks.
Here is an interesting post on XSS attacks or cross site scripting and how you can work with your hosting company to protect against them.
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August 9th, 2006
The Info Group is proud to announce that Stoneleigh Apartments is on board for a search engine optimization campaign. Stoneleigh Apartments is a leading brand in the apartment community with locations throughout Texas and Arkansas.
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July 25th, 2006
For the sake of this writing I’ll assume a basic understanding of meta tags, what they are and their importance. With that in mind let’s focus on properly constructing a title tag.
For any gains you might want to acquire in the organic rankings your title tag must be, well, optimized. Now by optimized I mean simply it must contain the keyword or phrase you are trying to obtain for that page in an order that provides maximum effect while utilizing the limited number of characters that each search engine recognizes. For example, Google only recognizes up to 65 characters while Yahoo & MSN recognize 70 and sometimes more. For this example let’s use smashed cups and crushed cups as our two key phrases.
To simply optimize a title tag for these phrases you could place them in that order and call it a day. Believe it or not this is an optimized title tag that would serve well for those phrases in conjunction with a proper on-page and off-page optimization strategy. That being said the tag would be great for the generic searches of those terms. Let’s say the intent of the page is to actually sell smashed cups and crushed cups at a discount. If that is the case you might try something like this. Although you lose the company name you are able to tell the visitor and the engine exactly what the page is about, keep your generic terms in play and bring in the keywords buy and sale all while staying within the Google maximum character count. Now if you went ahead and added the company name you would fall outside of the Google character limit but still be safely inside the limits for Yahoo & MSN.
Optimizing a title tag to be effective involves more than placing keyword after keyword in it. Character space is limited and thus every character must count. As with any optimization technique, be creative but be sensitive to both the user and the engines.
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July 17th, 2006
Looking for discounted first class and business class airline tickets? You will find Imperial American Express Travel in top search positions soon for keywords like discount first class airfare and cheap business class airline tickets. The site launched with a complete site optimization and a freshening of the overall look and feel. If you travel for business on a regular basis you would do yourself a favor by visiting them and requesting a free travel analysis.
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