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Camping and Fishing 101 - Camping and Fishing Tips and Suggestions

Camping equipment, fishing equipment, what to take for food when camping, where to camp and what to camp in, so many question and here at Camping and Fishing 101 you will find some suggestions and answers, along with some camping and fishing tips for your next camping or fishing trip.

My first camping trip was with my father, memories of those times are some of the best I have. We had many camping site locations that we visited, one of my favorites was a very pictureristic camping location on the edge of the woods with an open grassy area.

At the end of the grass was a bridge of beach rocks that stretched out for half a kilometer, separating an ocean inlet from a fresh water lake. You could fish for fresh water fish on one side or salt water fish on the other.

It wasn't a short trip, a few kilometers on foot was the only way in, my memories show me on my fathers shoulders hiking to the camping location most of the time. I learned a lot on those camping trips watching my father, such things as how to set-up camp, how to start a fire, how to fish, how to just sit and take in the beauty of nature.

As I grew older I started camping on my own and that is when I realize that there is a lot more to just jumping in the car and going.

I hope you find this site useful and enjoy its content, if you have any comments or questions, or if you would like to add a camping story or tip of your own reply by email to

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