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Photo Sharing

When you need to share photos right away (and discuss them with someone in real time!), Yahoo! Messenger is the ticket. Right in your IM window, you can share from 1 to 300 photos at a time. You can also see the photos your friend is looking at.


Yahoo! Messenger enables insta photo sharing - you can share as many photos as you want.. Here are some tips for sharing photos in Yahoo! Messenger:

  • Your friends can click and view larger versions of your photos, if they're stored in your Yahoo! Photos account.
  • You and your friends can both add photos to share at the same time
  • You and your friend can save each other's photos to your Yahoo! Photos account or to your computer
  • When viewing the photos, you can use the pointer to call your friend's attention to something specific in the photo

Share Photos Fast


Click the Photos icon to start sharing photos.

Once your friend accepts the invitation, you can either share photos in your Yahoo! Photos account, or drag and drop photos stored on your computer into the IM window.

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