Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Account Manager is a tool that gives you an organized overview of your account and the products and services in it. You may use Account Manager to update your personal and account information or make other changes to your account settings.
Address Book
With your E-mail Address Book you can create and maintain a customized database of information about your contacts, including each person's phone number, fax number, wireless number and e-mail address. Each e-mailbox comes with a full-featured, Web-based address book that lets you remotely access your contacts from anywhere in the world.
Advanced Web Mail
Web Mail allows you to access your e-mail account from anywhere using a Web browser. Advanced Web Mail includes features such as multi user calendar, task manager, photo albums, journal manager, file storage, instant messenger and more.
Adware is hidden software, often included with a useful software program, that automatically presents pop-up advertisements.
An alias gives you the ability to create multiple disposable e-mail addresses for each e-mailbox, so that you don't have to share your primary e-mail address. All e-mails sent to an alias go to the primary e-mail address.
Anti-Phishing (pronounced "fishing")
Protection against a specific type of spam e-mail which is called 'phishing'. Phishing refers to fraudulent communications designed to deceive consumers into providing personal, financial, or account information, including account user name and password, credit card information, and social security number. These spam e-mails often create a false sense of urgency intended to provoke the recipient to take immediate action; for example, phishing e-mails frequently instruct recipients to "validate" or "update" account information or face cancellation.
Active Server Page is a server-side scripting technology that can be used to create dynamic and interactive Web applications. An ASP page is an HTML page that contains server-side scripts that are processed by a Web server before being sent to the user's browser.
Attachments are separate files that are sent or received along with your e-mail messages. It can be anything from word processing documents to digital photos, from spreadsheets to Web pages. You can save an attachment on your hard disk to work with it as a separate file or view it later using another application.
Authorization Code
Also known as "auth code", "passcode", or "key", the authorization code provides an extra level of security for domain name transfers. The authorization code is unique for each domain name and is assigned by the registrar at the time the domain name is registered. Anyone transferring domain names from one registrar to another is required to provide the authorization code to finalize the transfer. Authorization codes can only be obtained from the current registrar. Registrars are contractually obligated to provide the authorization code upon request by the registrant.
When a message is sent to the e-mail address with an active autoresponder, the message is automatically replied to with a pre-written message. Such messages are typically used for an Out of Office message.