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What is instant messaging?

Instant messaging is the ability to exchange messages in real time with other people over the Internet. To send and receive instant messages, you need a connection to the Internet and instant messaging software.

The instant messaging software enables you to set up a list of contacts that also use the programme. Once you set up this list, you can see who is online at a particular moment. If the person you want to talk to is online, you can begin a text or video conversation with them quickly and easily. If they are not online, you can still send a text message that they will receive when they login.

Examples of an instant message window (foreground) and a main messenger window (background).
Examples of an instant message window (foreground) and a main messenger window (background).

What is Yahoo! Messenger?

New Yahoo! Messenger takes instant messaging to a new level. Use it to connect in real-time and communicate how you want, when you want, with whom you want. In addition to sending text-based instant messages, you also get:

See the features the new Yahoo! Messenger offers.

How much does it cost to use Yahoo! Messenger?

Nothing! Yahoo! Messenger is free.

How do I start using Yahoo! Messenger?

There are two steps you need to take to start using Yahoo! Messenger:

1. Download and install the software.

This process will take about 16 minutes if you are using a 56k modem, and 25 seconds if you have a high-speed connection. Go to the download page to begin the process. To continue, follow the instructions that appear on your screen. Once the installation is complete, Yahoo! Messenger will open automatically and you will see a window like the one to your right on your desktop.

2. Get a Yahoo! ID.

Every person needs a unique ID to identify themselves when using Yahoo! Messenger. After you have installed the programme, you will see a Get a Yahoo! ID button where you can sign up for a Yahoo! ID if you do not already have one. If you have already created a Yahoo! ID for any Yahoo! services - Mail, My! Yahoo, Yahoo! Photos, etc. - you can use that for Yahoo! Messenger as well. A Yahoo! ID is the first part of a Yahoo! Mail address - e.g. luckysunita88 in

If you need to sign up for a Yahoo! ID, you will be taken to a web page that asks you to:

After completing this process, your Yahoo! ID will be active.

To sign in to Yahoo! Messenger, type your Yahoo! ID and password into the Yahoo! Messenger ID and password boxes, and then click the Sign In button.

Sign In
New User?
Get a Yahoo! ID
Already have a Yahoo! ID?
Yahoo! ID
Sign In
Yahoo! Messenger, as it first appears on your desktop.

What do I do after I've signed in to Yahoo! Messenger?

Find, add, and share friends.

Getting people on your Messenger List is easy. One way is by getting that person's Yahoo! ID and adding them. The best way to find someone's Yahoo! ID is to ask them. Once you have it, click on the Add button, enter a person's email address or Yahoo! ID, and follow the on-screen prompts to add them to your list. You can also share all or parts of your Messenger List with others by selecting Share My Messenger List.

See if people are online.

Friends who are online will appear in bold in your Messenger List and will have a yellow smiling face next to their name.

Send an Instant Message

  1. Roll your mouse (don't click) over the name of a person in your Messenger List. A contact card will pop up with the person's name.
  2. Click on the IM icon to instantly connect.
Add a Contact
"I'm Online"
"I'm Offline"

How do I know when I've received an instant message?

Instant messages will automatically open on your desktop in boxes that look like the image on the right. To respond, just type in the empty area in the bottom of the box, and press the Enter key.

Yahoo! Messenger
Conversation   View   Contact   Help
Richa Sharma
Rajeev Rai: Hi there!
Richa Sharma: How's it going?
Rajeev Rai: Pretty good, thanks
An example of an instant message window.

How do I send an Audible?

Audibles are large, animated characters that say things out loud. Send them to someone in an IM conversation to say hello and goodbye, to flirt, and more.

Click the lips button in the instant message window to see Audibles. Click the Send button above an Audible to send it to your friend.

Click More Audibles to see all the available Audible sets.

How do I customise my Avatar?

An Avatar is an image that you create to represent yourself online. You can change the clothes, accessories and hairstyles to reflect who you are and what you look like. You can also use your Avatar to express your mood.

Once you set up your Avatar, your friends can see it in an IM window. Change your mood with Yahoo! Messenger.

Avatars express how you are feeling because they respond to the emotions you use. To customise your avatar click the triangle below your display image Select Share My Yahoo! Avatar

You can also select which friends can see your Avatar. Just right-click your Avatar in the IM window and uncheck Share Display Image.


How do I add friends to my contact list?

Relax, we've made it easy! You can even add friends who use Windows Live Messenger — if you have the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger.

To add a friend, start by clicking the Add a Contact button near the top of your main Yahoo! Messenger window. For more information on how to add a friend and even import contacts from your Yahoo! Address book or Outlook, visit the Find, Add, Share Friends page.

How do I instant message friends that use Windows Live Messenger?

To get started, make sure you get the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger. Then from your main Messenger Window, click Add a Contact (it's a button with a + on it). Type in the friend's email address or Windows Live ID, and be sure to select Windows Live in the menu below Network. Once your friend accepts, you're good to go.

Once they're added, you'll see your Windows Live Messenger friends on your Yahoo! Messenger contact list. So when you see they're online, simply start an IM conversation like you would a friend who uses Yahoo! Messenger (if they're not online, they will get the IM when they next login).

What are plug-ins? How do I add more to my Messenger?

Plug-ins are handy little applications you add to your Yahoo! Messenger. They make life easier for you to stay in touch, stay in the know, and stay up-to-date on things important to you. Each plug-in gives you the freedom to do cool stuff right in Yahoo Messenger (look for answers, see a friend's blog...). Use plug-ins on your own or load a plug-in during an IM conversation to do fun things with your friends in real-time.

You'll find several Plug-ins pre-loaded. To add more Plug-ins, click the Plug-ins button on your main Yahoo! Messenger window. click here.

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