Personal Shopper: Walk Right in, Sit Right Down Chairs work hard; good ones invite dinner guests to stay.
Raw but Welcoming, a Space for Lofty Ideas In San Francisco, a loft as a home for ideas. Incremental upgrades transformed a “dead little alley.”
Up in the Attic, New Millennium Style Translucent surfaces and jutting angles have become popular among homeowners, making a strong architectural statement in an unlikely space.
In the Garden: A Garden Miracle: Roses Made Easier Beauty and fragrance meet low maintenance and disease resistance.
It’s Not You, It’s Your Apartment Whether it’s mildew, materialism or Mom, what some dates’ homes reveal about them have been romantic deal breakers.
Oversize Mudrooms Tame the Clutter at the Door In its new incarnation, it is not some dark corner of the laundry room or a bench in the garage but a full-fledged room.
Close to Home: Welcome to My World, O My Beloved. Don’t Bring Your Stuff. The cats make the cut; the black velvet bandolero painting does not.
A Mies Masterwork, Deteriorating and in Dispute From the outside, the Tugendhat House doesn’t look like one of the most important residential buildings of the 20th century, but the house is the subject of a bitter custody battle.
The Year Without Toilet Paper To reduce their impact on the environment, two New Yorkers give up what most take for granted.
Garden Q.&A.; Q. I want to plant a holly hedge in Connecticut. Blue Princess, with Blue Prince for pollination, seems to offer the most red berries and the shiniest leaves. Can you suggest a source for ...
In the Garden: Foiled Again by the Elusive Leek Many gardeners have an antagonist, a specific plant that they just cannot grow. But there’s always next season.
At Home With Sara Davidson: Writing Her Own Sequel Unable to get work in Los Angeles despite a successful career as a television writer and journalist, Sara Davidson pulled up stakes and moved to the foothills of the Rockies.
Dibs on That: Antiques Without the Antiquing The Internet has dragged a “stuffy old business” into the 21st century.
Whose Bed Is It Anyway? In the fight over co-sleeping, the children seem to be winning.
Garden Q.&A.; : Sweet Gums, Spiky and Not Q. I would like to plant the tree that has leaves like maples and little brown spiky balls for seedpods. I have seen several at Yale. Do you know what it is?
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