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FatPort strongly recommends that our customers be aware of the security concerns of wireless networking and ensure the security of their Internet connections. Like any internet connection, including DSL and cable, the FatPort network is not inherently secure. We support 3rd-party VPNs, but cannot guarantee or otherwise be responsible for any customer-initiated security measure. It is your responsibility to adopt those security measures which are best suited to your situation. Please read our Customer Service Agreement for a complete disclaimer of liability.

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. All servers are in a secure data centre with 24 hour security access control. All data submitted to the site for commerce transactions is done via a 128 bit secure server verified by Thawte. Furthermore, FatPort Corporation conforms to all current Canadian, US, EU and UN regulations with regard to the capture and storage of data on citizens from those countries or affiliate countries.