This site map is divided into two categories for ease of use. Click
the appropriate link below to reach relevant links.
Here you can reach the topic of your interest and all links to content you are looking for.
About pakistaniMARITIME.Com and Me. Pakistan Shipping - International Maritime Shipping - Online Shipping Services.
This section lists what we offer, who we are, our contact information, our affiliations and memberships.
- Information for Merchant Navy and Seamen in Pakistan Shipping - Home.
Our home page provides information on contents of this site.
Maritime Shipping Blog.
This web log supplements information contained in this web site. Visit
and learn what is new in this web site and the background of information
- Privacy Policy.
Our privacy policy ensures that your information emailed to us remains in safe hands. We strongly condemn spam.
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We have provided, for the ease of our valued visitors, following two translation facilities capable of translating this site into all major languages. - Link to Us.
We offer reciprocal links to sites of similar content.
- Tell a Friend
If you feel that our initiative to serve Pakistan seamen, Pakistan Maritime Shipping and International Shipping Services may benefit our fellow mariners and shipping industry in Pakistan, please email to your friends about us to spread the word in shipping circles.
- Web Rings Memberships
We enjoy membership of web rings listed on this page.
- Other Memberships
We enjoy memberships of varied range of bodies, groups and organizations. Visit to see a list of our selection.
- Web Awards We have Won.
We thank all who evaluated this site and deemed it worthy of their award.
- About Me
Little more about me.
- My Resume Web Site:)
My resume web site won me the long desired and awaited shore job.
Guest Book.
We need your opinion, comments and suggestions to improve this web site,
please take few minutes to sign our guest book. Thanks a lot in advance.
Seafarers may enter information here in appropriate department listed below.
This section offers job vacancies for seamen and merchant navy employees, that is, employment on ships and ashore.
The NOL-Captain M J Sayeed Scholarship is set up in memory of the founding NOL’s Managing Director, Captain Muhammad Jalaluddin Sayeed,
This section is dedicated to articles related to all dimensions of shipping and life at sea.
There are no charges, or hidden charges, it is free like all other services offered on PakistaniMARITIME.Com network.
Keeping in view the needs of maritime fleet staff serving onboard merchant vessels and the maritime related commercial concerns two e-Groups are hosted among yahoo groups.
Maritime community is welcome to submit Free Classified Advertisements of maritime, shipping, fishing, boating or offshore
concerns including oil and gas.
Our web pages at pakistaniMARITIME.Com provide free information about maritime shipping items and services of
use to the seamen and shipping industry businesses.
This site ring makes it easier to find websites related to Pakistan
shipping, Pakistan shipping business, Pakistan shipping employment and
information, merchant navy, maritime shipping, marine and ship jobs, boating and Marine activities.
This section lists links to shipping and maritime business related
websites. Web sites are divided under several categories for ease of
Displays selection of photographs of maritime interest. Visit to see
different stages in Sinking of Tanker Ship Prestige.
Get information about recent developments, new features and services. Our newsletter is only sent when there are changes or features of common interest.
All Mariners are welcome to share their experiences, opinions, on all
The PakistaniMaritime Web Site Award has been initiated to promote the maritime
related web sites on the world wide web. Awards site offers selection of
very informative
maritime shipping related web sites.
We arrange polls to gather opinion of merchant navy employees: seamen, deck officers, engine officers and all interested in merchant navy; especially the Pakistan Merchant Shipping.
Just follow the natural division of sections linking to sub sections and you will be at the desired page. The site information has been naturally split into following main sections for users interest.
- Information to Merchant Shipping (Merchant Navy) employees interest.
Maritime Ship Officers - seamen - mariners - seafarers.
This page lists information of use and interest for seamen, maritime officers, and all others employed in merchant navy, maritime shipping and sea world jobs or employments related to it, that is, oil rigs and platforms, tank forms, maritime ports etc.
Information and Services to Maritime Shipping Business interest.
You will find here services that may help you in improving your company's online shipping business communication.
Maritime Shipping in General.
This section includes interesting topics for ship and sea lovers. If you are fascinated by the merchant navy and the sea there is a lot for you on this page.
About pakistaniMARITIME.Com and Me.
Pakistan Shipping - International Maritime Shipping - Online Shipping Services
This section lists what we offer, who we are, our contact information, our affiliations and memberships.