Hunter's Specialities Scent-A-Way Green Soap Hunting Gear Misc
Hunting Gear Misc Manufacturer: Hunter's Specialities Hunter's Specialities Model: Scent-A-Way Green Soap Review Category: Hunting Gear Misc
Purchase: 12 oz bottle NOW 5.00 at Wally world,7.50 at BassPro and 8.00 if you allow them to send it to you by mail.
Things I like about the Hunter's Specialities Scent-A-Way Green Soap: It works, deer/wildlife can't smell you after using it. Have had deer come within 10 yards, squirrels come within 2 feet and
Owl come within 1 foot after using this product.
What I don't like about the Hunter's Specialities Scent-A-Way Green Soap: Cost. Went up to 5.00 this year (2004) 20% increase from 3.99 price last year. Wally world doesn't put it on sale at the end of the season like they used to either.
Also This year bottle's has a different top on it that allows MORE soap to come out with less squeezing. If your hole is in the center your ok; if your hole comes out from the side of the cap,lookout.
Guess it is designed to make you use MORE SOAP when washing. Use it sparingly. It will last longer.
Scent-A-Way Green Soap quality: not applicable.
Scent-A-Way Green Soap summary: Good Soap but at 5.00 for 12 oz or 3.50 for the 3.5 oz bar, I am thinking that this has got to be highest priced soap in America.
Their deodorant prouct is $$$$ too...but Old Spice unscented or Arm & Hammer Unscented works just as well in that category.
Looking for an alternative but haven't found one yet.
Rating for this Hunter's Specialities product: 3
Author of this review on Hunter's Specialities Hunting Gear Misc: Wood in Central Virginia
Date: 2004-10-27
Usefulness Rating: 4.5 out of 5. 2 reader(s) voted.
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