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Yacht Charter in the Pacific

Sailing destinations in the Pacific Ocean

Neverland will sail 2005 in the Pacific Ocean and is available for yacht charter for your sailing vacation. Charter catamaran Neverland will stay on the best locations for several weeks and is available for your charter sailing vacation.

  1. Cook Islands
    Neverland will visit the Cook Islands in August and September 2005 on her round the world sailing cruise. She will stay there for several weeks and will be available for charter during that time. more ...
  2. Tuvalu
    Neverland will sail between the Tuvalu Islands in October 2005 on her round the world sailing cruise. She will stay there for several weeks... more ...
  3. Tuamotu
    Neverland will sail in for charter in French Polynesia from July to September 2005. In a 2 weeks cruise Neverland is ready to go for the Tuamotus, to Rangiroa and some of the neighbouring islands. more...
  4. Marquesas
    Neverland will sail in the archipelago of the Marquesas Islands in Mai/June 2005 and will stay between these islands for about 6 weeks. Neverland can be chartered during this time. more...
  5. Society Islands, Tahiti
    Neverland will stay in the waters of Tahiti-Polynesia from July to September 2005 for about 10 weeks. You can charter her on a weekly basis with captain and stewardess. A round trip cruise for 2 weeks brings you to 4 to 6 atolls and you will sail about 700 miles. more...
  6. Fiji Islands
    The perfect sailing destination – welcoming people, warm water and good weather, beautiful islands, traditional island life and all this with good provisioning and good air connections. That are the reasons why Neverland will stay here for 4 months from May to August 2006.
  7. Tonga
    The Tongan islands are a paradise for sailing and Neverland will stay her in 2006 for several weeks. You can charter her on a weekly basis with captain and stewardess. more...
  8. Niue
    With 260 sq km and 2000 people Niue is on of the smallest countries in the world. more...
  9. Samoa
    Samoa is a country with much tradition and some strict customs if you look at the country side living. It is a adventure to explore the remote parts of Samoa with Neverland in late summer 2005. more...
  10. American Samoa
    An excellent place for provisioning and crew changes but not for sailing. Therefore Neverland will stop here just for a few days to get new provisions. more...
  11. Tokelau
    The islands of Tokelau are one of the most isolated in the Pacific. more...
  12. Vanuatu
    The islands of Vanuatu are an ideal cruising ground for a yacht like Neverland. Wonderful lagoons with protected anchorages and good infrastructure together an intact social life will make this group of islands to a highlight on our circumnavigation. more...
  13. New Caledonia
  14. Solomon
    Still one of the best-kept secrets in the South Pacific with a variety of cultures and customs and a great scenic variety. Neverland is going to sail in this fantastic archipelago in July/August 2006 for about 8 weeks. more...
  15. PNG
  16. Galapagos Islands