Oregon Fishing Trips
Information on Oregon Fishing Trips
and Fishing Vacations
Chinook Salmon Fishing
All our Southern Oregon rivers have large returns of Fall King /
Chinook Salmon. Nowhere in an area of 180 miles of coastline are so many Fall
King / Chinook Salmon found as this area of the great Northwest. This is the reason
that Oregon
fishing trip and fishing vacation opportunities for Fall Kings or Chinook
Salmon are among the best salmon fishing trips found anywhere here.
Southern Oregon fishing rivers have annual returns, not counting ocean harvest
(of 20% plus) of over 650,000 returning Fall King / Chinook Salmon annually.
These great Kings or Chinook Salmon average 20 to 30 pounds with many going
In 2001 the Fly caught World Record King Salmon / Chinook Salmon was taken on a
Oregon fishing trip by Grant Martinson of Grants Pass Oregon. While on an
Oregon fishing vacation to the Lower Rogue River at Gold Beach of 71.5 pounds.
Visit these Oregon Fishing Trip pages for more information:
Oregon Fall King Salmon
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip
Rogue River fishing trip for Spring Chinook Salmon
Springer is the best eating of all the Pacific Salmon. As these high quality
Spring Chinook Salmon enter fresh from the Pacific Ocean in the early spring
months of late March to June to find
cool river flows from Cascade Mountain snow pack run off and spring rains.
The best opportunity for an Oregon fishing trip or fishing vacation for Spring Chinook occurs on the Rogue River. Starting in late March at
Gold Beach Oregon and extending upriver 35 miles through June when the flows drop and
water temperatures rise. Springer's will become fishable as numbers increase in
the Grants Pass Oregon area (120 miles upriver) in mid May. By late May early June good numbers of
Springer's will arrive in the cool waters of the Upper Rogue near Medford and
Shady Cove and this Oregon fishing trip opportunity will continue through July in this area with June
early July being the peak of the Springer run on the Upper Rogue.
Visit these pages for more Oregon fishing trip information:
Spring Chinook Salmon
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip
Winter Steelhead
Fishing Trip or fishing vacation opportunities are best for Winter Steelhead in Southern
Oregon. Mild
weather and good fishing conditions blend with large healthy runs of winter
steelhead. Populations of wild winter steelhead far out number hatchery returns.
Running 6 to over 20 pounds these steelhead are real tackle testers. Mostly fished with
drifted roe from Drift Boats and back-trolled plugs. Action can be intense as
multiple hook-ups per day trip are the norm. Your Oregon Fishing Trip or fishing
vacation is best planned for January through March.Rogue River
Winter Steelhead Oregon Fishing Trip
Winter Steelhead runs show on the Lower Rogue at Gold Beach first in December
with possibly the nations largest run of over 100,000 winter steelhead. Most of
these fish are Wild Stocks and will disperse through out the 5000 sq mile
drainage of the Rogue Basin. Oregon Steelhead fishing continues to mid March
with low pressure and great success. Drift Boats work the area of Foster Bar to
Agness drifting roe while below Agness to Gold Beach Power Boats or Jet Sleds
anchor with plugs or back-troll. Bank angling is primarily plunking with
Spinning Glows or plugs. In the Area below Grants Pass to Graves Creek on the
Rogue drift boats work plugs or side drift roe for great catches with best
success in February and March. On the Upper Rogue stretches at Medford and Shady
Cove late February and March are best fishing trip times with April being a good bet also. This is
a great Oregon Fishing Trip or Fishing Vacation destination.
Visit these pages for more Oregon fishing trip information:
Oregon Winter Steelhead
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip for Summer Steelhead
Oregon is the destination for very rich Summer
Steelhead Fly fishing trip or fishing vacation opportunities. Rogue Country is the home to more
Summer Steelhead and fly fishing trip opportunities than anywhere else on earth.
Famous Oregon Summer Steelhead Flyfishing Rivers located here are the North
Umpqua east of Roseburg, the Rogue from Gold Beach to above Shady
Cove, has 160 miles of top Summer Steelhead Flyfishing waters,
the Klamath River in Northern California has 150 miles of historic Summer
Steelhead Flyfishing from Klamath, California to Iron Gate Reservoir near Hornbrook, California. This adds up to nearly 350 miles of top Summer Steelhead
Flyfishing rivers to Fly fish in Southern Oregon. A Oregon Fishing Trip or
Vacation for Summer Steelhead should be in every Fly Fisherman's plans, its just
that good!
Visit these pages for more Oregon fishing trip information:
Oregon Summer Steelhead Flyfishing
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trips
Umpqua River for Spring Chinook Salmon
Fishing Trip
March through June

The Umpqua River has a very nice run of Spring Chinook. The Umpqua Spring Chinook are fished for mostly from the town of Elkton down river.
High quality Spring Chinook with beautiful river scenery on the Umpqua with its
legendary river history. Check with one of our
Umpqua guides and outfitters for best local Spring Chinook fishing trip information.
Spring Chinook Salmon
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Fishing Vacation
Klamath River Spring Chinook Salmon
March Through June
The Klamath Spring Chinook run is lightly fished but can be productive.
Check with one of our Klamath fishing guides and outfitters for more local
Spring Chinook fishing trip information.
Spring Chinook Salmon
Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing
Fall Kings or Chinook Salmon Fishing Trip
Elk River near Port Orford
October through January. The Elk River is 50
miles long with 10 miles of the best Fall King / Chinook Salmon fishing water for late season
Fall Kings / Chinook in Oregon. The ElkRiver is a wonderful stream to fish for
Fall Kings. A small costal stream with more Fall King / Chinook Salmon fishing
holes per mile than I have ever encountered. These Fall Kings / Chinook will average close
to 30 pounds with attitude, great fighters in small water makes these kings top
sport. Mostly on our fishing trips use back-bounced roe or big back-trolled plugs from drift
boats. You can combine your Oregon Fishing Trip or vacation to include the Elk
River ~ Sixes River ~ Chetco River on the same Oregon fishing trip.
Sixes River near Port Orford
October to January
The Sixes River is a sister stream to the Elk, these two streams enter the Pacific Ocean at Cape Blanco State Park about
2 miles apart. Fall King / Chinook Salmon run 25 to 50 pounds in the Sixes. The
Sixes is about 50 miles long and has a gentler gradient than the Elk. The Sixes is a more laid back
stream not as intense as the Elk.
There are more total miles of accessible fishing water on the Sixes than the Elk. To find more information on Fall King /
Chinook Salmon go to
our Guides
and Outfitters page for best local Oregon fishing trip times and seasons for Fall Kings /
Visit these pages for more late season Oregon Fishing Trip information:
Elk and Sixes River King Salmon
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trips
Chetco River at Brookings Oregon
October thru December
October 1st will begin the Chetco River run of Fall Kings, the Chetco returns 20,000 Fall
Kings averaging 25 to 50 pounds. Chetco Fall Kings begin their run
by milling in and out of tidewater or holding in upper tidewater pools like
Morris Hole and Tide-rock. Hundreds of Fall Kings will stack up awaiting
fall rains to raise this river which is only 50 miles long. While stacked in
these Lower Chetco pools Fall Kings are available for
Flyfishing trip opportunities. Trolling for Fall Kings is also good in the
Chetco estuary in October. The Chetco is a Federally Designated Wild
and Scenic River and fishing for Fall Kings can be spectacular when the
fall rains raise the Chetco and the Kings move upriver. Chetco Fall Kings
fishing trip or fishing vacation opportunities run remains good from October to January.
Visit these pages for more Oregon Fishing Trip information:
Chetco Fall Kings
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Fishing Vacation
Coquille River at Bandon
September through October
September 1st will begin the Coquille
River run
of Fall Kings returning 30,000 Salmon, averaging 25 to 50
pounds. All of these fish are caught in tidewater areas of the Lower Coquille
near Bandon Oregon. Most of these Coquille King Salmon are caught from power boats trolling
herring and spinners or plugs. Coquille River Fall King Salmon fishing
trips remains good September through
Visit these pages for more
Fishing Trip or Fishing Vacation information
Coquille Fall Kings
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip
Elk & Sixes Rivers Steelhead Fishing
Steelhead fishing trip or fishing vacation should be planned for January through March on the Elk and Sixes rivers is great. Both
streams have a native run only with a few Chetco
hatchery strays available for your fishing trip. In the Sixes winter fishing is for all wild
fish. The
Elk and Sixes are pleasant rivers to fish with little bank fishing access. You are allowed to keep two winter
fish per day of which only one can be a wild fish per day up to 5 per season may be
part of the two fish limit.
Visit these pages for more Oregon Fishing Trip or fishing vacation
Oregon Winter Steelhead
Oregon Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip / Chetco Winter Steelhead
Chetco River near Brookings Oregon
December Through March
Winter Steelhead fishing trip or Oregon fishing vacation should be planned for January through March. Chetco
Winter Steelhead fishing trip is one of the most productive Winter Steelhead
fishing trips to be found. Chetco winter steelhead run 8 to 15 pounds with many
in the 20-pound class caught every year. The Chetco is another of Southern
Oregon Federally Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers. The river has very good bank
access for fishermen through out its 20 miles of accessible angling area. Making
the Chetco River a great Oregon Fishing Trip or vacation destination for those
do it yourselfers without a boat. Winter
steelhead populations on the Chetco are about 50% hatchery stocks. Best methods
are drifting roe or corkies and back-trolling plugs. Guides have many Oregon
fishing trips with
8 to 12 hook-ups per day with two anglers out of their Drift Boats.
Visit these pages for more Oregon Fishing Trip information:
Chetco Winter Steelhead
Chetco Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip Ocean Charters
Deep Sea / Bottom Fishing / Halibut / Tuna Ocean Charter boat
trips for Salmon and Bottom
Fish are found out of numerous ports in Rogue Country. Rich feeding grounds and
relatively low pressure combine for great fishing trip days on a Ocean Charter. A very rocky coastline with lots
of structure has given Bottom Fish superior habitat to thrive, making the
southern coast Bottom and Deep Sea fishing excellent.
Visit these pages for more Oregon Fishing Trip information
Charter Boats
Oregon Fishing Trip
North Umpqua River
Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing
July through November
It is said that the North Umpqua
River is a Summer Steelhead fishing graduate school.
The North Umpqua is a tough place to get good fishing grades. The North Umpqua has the
most beautiful scenery and waters for Summer Steelhead Fly fishing trip.
Steeped in Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing history, if only the pools and riffles
could talk. The North Umpqua Highway follows the North Umpqua up into the Cascades from
Roseburg to Glide, then on to Steamboat, the heart of North Umpqua Summer
Steelhead Fly Fishing. Across the on the south side the old Col. Mott trail will
give access to the south side of the stream for about 5 miles. Guides are not
required but highly recommended for your Oregon fishing trip if you are not an experienced North Umpqua
Steelhead fisherman. Much of the best waters are Fly Fishing only. Wading can be
treacherous and casting is demanding but rewards and beauty are beyond words
here. A Fly Fisherman's dream Oregon Fishing Trip or fishing vacation.
Visit these pages for more Oregon Fishing Trip information
Oregon Summer Steelhead
Umpqua Guides and Outfitters
Oregon Fishing Trip / Surf Casting
The Southern Coast offers endless Surf Casting opportunities from 150 miles
of beaches and numerous jetties and break waters. Surf Perch to Ling Cod are
caught with some Stripers in the spring months which are feeding on the live
births of spawning Surf Perch. Stripped Bass populations are up especially near
the Umpqua and Coquille Rivers.

Red Fin Surf Perch caught on Oregon fishing trip at Gold Beach off the beach
Oregon Fishing
Contact Rogue River Country