Oregon Fly Fishing
Summer Steelhead Flyfishing
The Guide to Oregon Fly Fishing in Southern Oregon. The Rogue and
Umpqua Rivers are world famous for Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing opportunities.
Over 300,000 Summer Steelhead enter the Rogue River alone. The Klamath Basin
abounds with Trophy Trout Flyfishing opportunities for your Oregon Flyfishing

Rogue Country is the Oregon Fly Fishing destination for very rich Summer Steelhead Fly
opportunities. The home to more Summer Steelhead fly fishing than anywhere else on earth. Famous
Summer Steelhead fly fishing rivers located here
are the North Umpqua east of Roseburg Oregon,
Rogue from Gold Beach
Oregon to above Shady Cove Oregon has 160 miles of top Summer Steelhead fly fishing
waters, the Klamath in Northern California has 150 miles of historic
Summer Steelhead fly fishing from Klamath California to Iron Gate Reservoir
near Hornbrook California. This adds up to nearly 350 miles of top fly fishing rivers to flyfish in Rogue
River Country.
Summer Steelhead come in a variety of sizes as may go to the Ocean to rear for
as little as 3 months or as long as 3 years, add to this multiple spawning runs,
as Summer Steelhead return to the sea after spawning.
The Rogue River and Klamath River have "Half-Pounders". The name "Half-Pounder" means little in
describing the size of these dynamic Steelhead which run 1 to 3 pounds and
are readily caught by fly fishing methods. Extremely
active and aggressive, these silver rockets are a treat to
catch on light tackle and fly rods. Making great sport Flyfishing with light line.
North Umpqua
Oregon Fly Fishing
July through November It is said that the North Umpqua is a
fly fishing graduate school. The North Umpqua is a tough place to get good grades. The North Umpqua has the most
beautiful scenery and Fly Fishing waters fishing in the nation. Steeped
in fly fishing history, home to Zane Grey, if only the pools and riffles could talk.
The North Umpqua Highway follows the stream up into the Cascades from Roseburg to
Glide, then on to Steamboat, the heart of the North Umpqua Fly Fishing waters.
Across the river on the south side the old Cornel Mott trail will give access
for Flyfishing the
south side of the river for about 5 miles. A good place to start a Oregon
Flyfishing trip on the North Umpqua is with one of our member
Oregon Flyfishing Guides with local
Oregon fly fishing knowledge.
Rogue River Summer Steelhead Oregon Fly Fishing
Gold Beach Oregon Flyfishing
Agness Oregon Fly Fishing
September through November
Fly fishing opportunities on the Lower Rogue River is predominately Summer Steelhead "Half-Pounders" 12 to 18 inches with a few 20 to 26 inch adults. Most
Summer Steelhead Flyfishing is done here while fly fishing between Lobster Creek and Agness
Oregon, which is
about 22 miles of water, all on Siskiyou National Forest. Guided Oregon
Flyfishing clients will hook 10 to 30
"Half-Pounders" on most days. We have several Rogue River
Flyfishing Lodges to make your Flyfishing trip comfortable. One of our local
Oregon Fly Fishing Guides can assist you with
your Oregon fly fishing trip planning.
Rogue River Canyon Fly Fishing
Agness Oregon to Galice Oregon Flyfishing
September through November
A Rogue River Canyon Summer Steelhead Drift Boat Flyfishing trip is 3 to 4 days of drifting
and Flyfishing through the Federally Designated National Wild and Scenic Wilderness section, 47
miles of fabulous scenery and whitewater. This is a tremendous Oregon Fly fishing excursion that will always stay with you in
fond Flyfishing memories. Choose to camp at rivers edge or stay in the Rogue
River Canyon's Historic Wilderness
Lodges such as Half Moon Bar Lodge or Black Bar Lodge. Contact one of our
Oregon Fly Fishing Guides
for Oregon fly fishing dates and information.
Middle Rogue River Flyfishing
Grants Pass Oregon Fly Fishing
September through November
Most Summer Steelhead here are returning adults running 4 to 10
area is best accessed and the best Fly fishing is from a Drift Boat with with stops to get
out a wade. Very large numbers of Fall King Salmon or Chinook spawn in the
middle Rogue River area, Summer Steelhead will hold up around these spawning
areas to pick up salmon eggs and dislodged water insects. Giving a great Oregon Fly Fishing opportunity. The best time
to be Flyfishing the Middle Rogue River is October 6th to
November 15th. Contact one of our
Oregon Flyfishing Guides for fly fishing dates and information.
Upper Rogue River Flyfishing
Gold Hill Oregon to Cole Rivers Hatchery
July to November
The Upper Rogue River from Gold Rey Dam is Flyfishing only in September and October. Many years
10,000 to 20,000 Summer Steelhead will return to the Upper Rogue River, which is
about 25 miles of great Summer Steelhead Fly Fishing waters.
is a density of 400 or more Summer Steelhead per mile. 50% of these Summer
Steelhead above
Gold Rey Dam are marked hatchery fish headed back to Cole Rivers Hatchery.
Nearly all Summer Steelhead crossing Gold Rey Dam are adult fish. The Upper
Rogue River has great bank access to Flyfishing waters holding adult Summer
Steelhead, with wading and Flyfishing being the best method.
Drift Boats are used to access more secluded and deeper Flyfishing runs. Contact one of our
Oregon Fly Fishing Guides for your best
Oregon Fly Fishing results.
Klamath River Fly Fishing
Oregon Flyfishing
July to November
Historically the Klamath River is one of the most famous rivers for Summer Steelhead fly fishing.
Many of the most famous fly fishing masters learned from these waters
and fish of the Klamath River. Ted Fay, "Polly" Rosborough, Mike Kennedy,
Zane Grey were a few master
fly fishing pioneers to cast a fly for a Summer Steelhead on the the Klamath
River in the early days of Steelhead fly fishing. You still feel them there,
wading pools and laying out casts on the Klamath, Umpqua and Rogue River.
Fly Fishing the Upper Klamath Basin Streams with their huge Rainbow and Brown Trout
Photo from Running Y Ranch Resort
Contact Rogue River Country